The main title of this post is something Lindsay Perigo would have me repeat.
Many times!
For the past couple of months I have been taking weekly elocution lessons with Lindsay via Skype. I cannot speak highly enough of the exceptional experience I have had thus far being his pupil, and so I want to share a few details in case anyone reading this thinks that they or someone they know might benefit as have from receiving professional instruction on how to be more clearly understood.
And by professional, it is no exaggeration to say that when it comes to being an elocutionist Lindsay is without doubt one of the best in the field. After all, both his lifelong career and personal passions span the gamut when it comes to perfecting the voice-related.
My taking lessons came about after being caught off-guard during a conversation one day. Lindsay observed I was speaking with a glottal stop where no such oral consonant should exist. This took me completely by surprise, especially since I was under the apprehension my speech was perfectly fine. No one had ever said anything to me about it before.
After enduring listening to an imitation of what I sounded like however, and engaging in some honest self-analysis, I quickly came to realize that he was absolutely right. Whenever I said a "the" before a vowel I sounded terrible. I had no idea!
So, I booked in a one-hour “Speech Warrant of Fitness” check for Lindsay to properly assess the extent of my "disability" and to make some recommendations.
As it turned out I was not too bad in the grand scheme of things. Other noticeable impairments picked up during the initial assessment included my not differentiating between a's and e's (apparently very common for New Zealanders), poor selective emphasis, low energy in my vocals, and not using diphthongs where I am supposed to. Lindsay told me that everyone is different, as is their course of "treatment."
Seven lessons later I am happy to report that these things are all well on their way to being corrected.
A couple of weeks ago I recommended to a friend who is in sales to engage Lindsay's services (being in sales means that being clearly understood is not just a matter of self-respect, as it is with me, but is crucial to one’s earning capacity). That friend has since reported that he too is incredibly impressed with Lindsay's tutoring, and is finding exceptional value in the lessons.
As for taking lessons via Skype, Lindsay's ears are so well attuned that not a single nuance - good or bad - seems to have passed his attention. It really is as if he were in the same room, so don't let being in a different city stop you from considering using him.
This recommendation is entirely unprompted by the way. I am so utterly impressed by what Lindsay has to offer in his area of expertise that I hope others who would benefit from enhancing their communication skills will act promptly to take advantage of his present availability while the opportunity is still there.
For Lindsay's contact details visit

This post originally appeared here at Lindsay Perigo’s SoloPassion.Com.
Cartoons from Cartoonstock (used by permission) do not necessarily indicate what goes on before or during a lesson. But they might.
My daughters took a block of elocution lessons from Lindsay Perigo. We were thinking about requesting a refresher. Meantime, I thought Lindsay might be pleased to hear how my youngest daughter's speaking voice had turned out. She has tried so very hard. I thought I would wait to get his feedback before pursuing the refresher course.
Here is our email exchange:
Lindsay wrote, in response to me requesting an unrelated link:
Hi Tim. It is indeed on SOLO:
I hope Tessa and Fi both smote their quacking tendencies?
I replied:
thanks Lindsay
yes, although it depends on context. Tessa can turn on a very nice
voice when she tries, but relapses under peer pressure.
Felicity is more consistent, and still pulls Tessa up. "You're
quacking again, Tessa." "There goes that glottal stoppping again,
I was going to send you a little film Tessa made for the 48 hour
competition, in which Felicity has one line (near the start of the
film) but spoken in a manner which I am sure would make you proud. I
will send you this if you like.
Lindsay replied:
That peer pressure to quack is a hideous, repulsive thing.
By all means send the film through.
I wrote:
.... about 2 minutes in, playing the harp in the graveyard
only one line
[Lindsay says it wont run, so I send him another link, saying:
oh... Tessa tells me that she's mystified that the official 48 website
version is not working for you, she says it runs for her
anyway, she also uploaded to youtube, just not as good quality, she says.]
Lindsay replied:
I can't even make out what she's saying. And the whole thing is just silly. Faecesbook stupid. I'm supposed to be impressed? I despair.
Faeces? Notwithstanding that I sent the link to Lindsay only for him to listen to my daughter's one line, these are a bunch of schoolkids who make a movie in 48 hours, from absolute start to absolute finish, under film-format instructions.
"Faeces"? I guess is if it spoken with a nice accent, then it no longer is foul?
Yeah, it's amazing what can be done with those 48 Hour films! CP produced one a few years back -- not much sleep for anybody, but they had a lot of fun, a few arguments, and only one walk-out.
How did Tessa's film do in the judging?
well, Perigo judged it to be faeces.
The actual judges put it through to the schools' division of the regional final (but where it didnt place). And it was awarded best costume design in the regionals (open). Tessa, true to form, was still sourcing a microphone on the afternoon before it started at 7pm, and as a consequence had all sorts of sound problems.
These are good, productive, gutsy kids, and do not deserve to be compared to faeces.
I dont understand Perigo. He says that the peer pressure to speak like a typical New Zealander is a "hideous and repulsive thing", then compares a bunch of schoolkids' decent, well-attempted 48 Hour movie to faeces. I think he has a problem. Your website has a post promoting his speech lessons, so only fair to warn parents.
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