UPDATE 2: Welcome Herald readers, with this clarification: No, we didn’t discuss merging with Act. But we did talk about a home for their many and increasing ex-members…
UPDATE 1: Lindsay Perigo’s speech here.
Thanks to everyone from Libz, Act, True Liberals, ALCP, Pirate Party, C&R and Auckland Now for a great conference. Here's what I said to the #LibzConf2012 conference this morning.
Good morning everyone.
My name is Peter. And I am a Recovering Libertarian.
It began for me around 30 years ago. It started small. Just me and a few grams of Ayn Rand. But pretty soon I found myself with fellow addicts, gathering together to drink in John Locke, imbibe Thomas Jefferson, and to snort FA Hayek.
17 years ago we met in a small smoke-filled room to set about spreading our addiction.
We had big plans for Project Libertarianz.
We met, and we plotted, and we set out to make a revolution in people’s heads.
We were hard-arses! flag-flyers. Non compromisers. Not for us the timid wimperings of focus groups too scared to frighten the horses. We plotted and planned and produced policies forged from the sterling silver of sound principle. All policies all principle all the way down the line.
We planned to get these ideas and our policies into parliament, we said. By any means necessary, we said
With a radio show, a magazine, and a small army of foot soldiers, we did. We got rid of the TV tax from outside parliament, a thankless victory but a hard-earned one. We got parties talking about one law for all; we got some of them offering a tax-free threshold. We got right-wing politicians starting to talk about decriminalising cannabis.
But this wasn’t enough. We wanted MPs in parliament. Oh, we said we didn’t, we always said we didn’t. But we were in denial about our addiction. We knew we had to have MPs. We just found it impossible to get enough votes to have them. Or, for some reason, enough money to promote them properly.
And we found it impossible to find anyone amongst us who really wanted to be an MP.
Partly because none of us actually even likes politics. Or politicans.
We know deep down, all of us addicted libertarians do, that what Thomas Jefferson said is true—that whenever a man has cast a longing eye on political offices rottenness begins in his conduct.
The only reason we libertarians are truly interested in politics is because politics can’t resist being interested in us.
Project Libertarianz began however with the explicit goal of getting Libertarianz MPs into parliament. It was right there on our brochures. Still is, as far as I know.
But I think everyone who’s suffered from this addiction now knows the truth.
It’s never going to happen.
If it isn’t already obvious to you, then please remain seated while I tell you truth: Project Libertarianz has been a failure.
I’ll say that again. Project Libertarianz has been a failure.
I say that not with any glee, only with huge disappointment.
What we began with such promise was weighed down by the difficulty of running a never-noticed political party and beset by the never-ending problem of never-enough money.
But let’s be clear here. Project Libertarianz has failed just at the time it is most urgently needed.
We meet here now at a time when a hole the size of the ACT Party has appeared in National’s coalition partners; at a time when there has never been a more urgent need to articulate the goals of economic and social freedom. And to get that voice into parliament by any means necessary.
And I guess that we’re all here today means we understand that.
So let’s be blunt about the reasons you’re all here. It isn’t just Project Libertarianz that’s been a failure, has it. So too has Project ACT.
[Come on, how many recovering ACT members are there here? The first stage of any cure is accepting reality.] Project ACT has been a failure. If ACT’s lack of any real achievement hasn’t made it obvious—and I trust no-one here wants to defend the super-sized Auckland bureaucracy that ACT’s second-to-last leader delivered us-- If ACT’s lack of any real achievement hasn’t made it obvious; if the infighting and lack of direction in recent years hasn’t made it clear enough, then the size and quality of today’s ACT caucus surely has to.
Is THAT what it was all for, all those years of effort? One super-powered mayoralty, and John Banks’s nose in the parliamentary trough again?
Surely all those millions of dollars and all those years of effort should have delivered something much, much better.
And don’t fool yourself it will all change if you can just eject your current feral conservative from the leadership. The ACT brand is now so poisonous that instead of Don Brash dragging it up, the once well-respected man was dragged down himself by its toxic slick.
So Project ACT and Project Libertarianz are both failures.
And if success is measured by achieving measurable goals, then failure has unfortunately been the only thing about which the single-issue Legalise Cannabis Party has to boast.
And that’s despite virtually every MP in the New Zealand parliament happy to confess they’ve inhaled.
I think economic and social liberals from all parties—classical liberals, if you like—can learn from all our failures.
Project Act and Project Libertarianz are failures for opposite reasons.
ACT abandoned principle in favour of populism, and ended up losing both. Libz embraced principle over populism, and while we’ve succeeded in putting some of those principles on the public stage, it’s not as much as we’d hoped from 17 years of trying.
For similar reasons, ALCP supporters have faced similar disappointment. And many convictions.
Why the failures?
Well, why did Project ACT fail? It’s principles are certainly sound, as they should be. they were written by the Libz founder. and I for one would have no difficulty embracing them as the foundation of a new party.
The principal object of the ACT Party is to promote an open, progressive and benevolent society in which individual New Zealanders are free to achieve their full potential.
To this end the ACT Party upholds the following principles:
that individuals are the rightful owners of their own lives and therefore have inherent rights and responsibilities; and
that the proper purpose of government is to protect such rights and not to assume such responsibilities.
Nothing there to argue with.
But it wasn’t that ACT’s MPs ever argued with the principles. They seemed to just forgot they were there. And where they should have been waging a battle of ideas against the enemies of their principles, instead they waged a battle of personalities within their own ranks.
And why did Project Libertarianz fail? Not because of any lack of principle, or of talent. Nor because of any lack of intellectual grunt. I still smile when I remember one journalist gleefully recounting the tale of one MP who shall remain nameless making the mortal error, as the journalist described it, of publicly engaging two lanky libertarians in intellectual combat.
That was our reputation.
But it won us no seats.
Our ACT critics were right. Victories like this, however delicious, were no substitute for being an MP in parliament with the one single goal of increasing freedom and rolling back the state. (The lack of such a goal being our own criticism of virtually every single ACT MP.
Why did we not get any traction? I’m sure you all have your own answers. We’ve always seen Project Libertarianz very much as a vehicle to educate people. But perhaps it is too early for people to hear what we have been saying. Perhaps, in what Lindsay fondly calls this pathetic authoritarian backwater, we always were just pissing in the wind. Perhaps we did just frightened the horses a little more than we needed to. Perhaps we scared people off.
That’s what Richard McGrath told TV3 last weekend. That our policies were too scary for most people. That they scared people off.
We were told that again during the week by someone putting up her hand to be our in-house Agony Aunt.“In the past,” said Deborah Coddington, who was once our party’s deputy leader.
the Libz narrow dogma -- total free market, wholesale selling of state assets including having all schools and hospitals run by private enterprise, the right to carry guns, and complete freedom to take whatever drugs you like so long as you accept the consequences -- have scared the bejesus out of people.
She’s probably right. We probably did. But someone did have to say those things were right, and so we said them.
And it was fun.
But if if I may continue her Agony Aunt column, she offers this advice: [Ahem]
Cliches are usually true,” she says. “as in there's only one way to eat an elephant: one bite at a time. So when you say you want freedom, you can only achieve it one step at a time. Don't terrify people who've been enchained for 30 years. It's like stripping them naked, when you should be persuading them they can just remove their overcoat. It will take time for some to be convinced they don't need to hold Nanny's hand.
Right again. It does. And don’t we know it.
So “finally,” she continues,
tell us what you're for, as well as what you're against. When campaigning for Act, this was a common criticism, and today when I switch on the news or pick up a newspaper, all I see are killings, crashes, our youth are all drunk, the country's broke, we're going to hell in a handcart.
How refreshing it would be for a change, to be asked to give my vote to a party with a sense of life.
Right once again. There is much in the present world about which to be honestly afraid. Hell, there’s enough just here at home about which to be terrified. But we need to explain simply how freedom makes things better.
If I may quote a libertarian litany from a fellow who essentially put up his hand last week to be our Agony Uncle,
With all the this government is doing, said Matthew Hooton in last week’s NBR,
the classical liberal movement should be booming, especially with National’s support falling and the combined Labour/Green vote leading the polls. That ACT languishes on 0.5% underlines that party’s abject failure.
It is quite a list.Government spending as a percentage of GDP has grown since 2008 and Finance Minister Bill English borrows hundreds of millions of dollars a month, mainly for welfare.
Prime Minister John Key broke his promise of further tax cuts, yet his pledges to keep Labour’s Working for Families, interest-free student loans and current superannuation entitlements remain inviolable.
Fiscal surplus is elusive. Even if New Zealand reaches balance for a year or two this decade, Treasury’s long-term fiscal outlook indicates that, without major policy change, public debt will surpass Portugal, Italy, Greece and Spain well before mid-century.
A vast new bureaucracy has been established to hand out corporate welfare while other bureaucracies work on five-year plans.
The Ministry of Women’s Affairs, the Ministry of Maori Development, the Ministry of Pacific Island Affairs, the Ministry for Culture & Heritage, the Office of Ethnic Affairs, the Ministry for the Environment, NZ On Air and dozens of other unpopular agencies and quangos continue to exist.
Efforts to expand the private sector into health, education, welfare and ACC are half-hearted at best.
Nothing serious has been done to reform the Resource Management Act, which Steven Joyce rightly points out has already held up new job creation on the West Coast for seven years – with no end in sight.
There is no true freedom to contract under the Employment Relations Act.
While SOEs are not being privatised, management of Te Urewera National Park will be, as part of a Treaty of Waitangi deal with a tribe that didn’t sign it.
Rogue spy agencies are intercepting New Zealand residents’ communications and passing their business secrets to foreign powers.
The nanny state is re-emerging in welfare, including the requirement to enrol children in early childhood centres, seen by some as peddlers of socialist doctrine.
And now National is flirting brazenly with NZ First's Winston Peters…
And, as he says, faced with that, the classical liberal movement should really be booming.
It should be a gift to parties like ours.
But they’re not booming, we’re dying.
And the faces of the alleged classical liberal parties today, if we don’t put something better out in the field ourselves, will be John Bank. And Colin Craig. And, if the United Future Party is successful in changing the name of his party to the Liberal Democrats, Peter Dunne-Nothing—the Minister of Internal Revenue.
Which is why Aunty Deborah and Uncle Matthew and many others like them in the media are just quietly beginning to realise that “Libertarianz representation on councils and parliament would undoubtedly be good for New Zealand.”Better especially than the much less liberal alternative of Colin Craig.
But like them, we must know that achieving that will not be easy.
THERE IS INDEED MUCH about which to be honestly afraid . Our job however is to tell people how more freedom can drive away the fears; how less government will makes their their petrol cheaper, their jobs more plentiful, their houses more affordable and their lives inside them better.
How refreshing it would be for a change, to ask people to give their vote to a party with a sense of life.
But there is opportunity from ACT’s collapse, from Libz realisation of failure, and from National’s desperation for new “partners.” Opportunity for a Party of All the Talents attracting like-minded adherents from all parts of the political spectrum. A party firmly based on sound principles, promoting a small suite of popular policies that get us there one principled step at a time.
Politics is the art of the possible. Does that mean compromise is necessary? Not a bit of it. Look again at that advice from our Agony Aunt. We’ve been trying to eat the whole elephant. But the best way to eat an elephant is one bite at a time.
Even though we’d been snorting Ayn Rand, we hadn’t realised that Ayn Rand would not even agree with our approach.
It’s too early for politics, she said fifty years ago. It still is. Too early to be standing at the goalposts demanding that everyone play towards us—which is what, with our all-or-nothing policies, we were doing.
Ayn Rand talked instead about a “Party X” that wouldn’t just wave at everyone from the goalposts saying “up here,” but would dive into the ruck in the middle of the park and start moving the ball in the upward direction.
Of course, Rand never used that metaphor. I doubt she ever saw a rugby game, But she did offer a brief prescription for her’ Party X,’ one that rolls back the state even from opposition : A party that uses its principles not as a set of handcuffs, or as something to be banished from its website. Rand’s Party X would use its principles as a weapon.
Party X [she said] would oppose statism and would advocate free enterprise. But it would know that one cannot win anybody’s support by repeating that slogan until it turns into a stale, hypocritical platitude—while simultaneously accepting and endorsing every step in the growth of government controls.
Party X would know that opposition does not consist of declaring to the voters: “The Administration plans to tighten the leash around your throats until you choke—but we’re lovers of freedom and we’re opposed to it, so we’ll tighten it only a couple of inches.”
Party X would not act as Exhibit A for its enemies, when they charge that it is passive, stagnant, “me-tooing” and has no solutions for the country’s problems. It would offer the voters concrete solutions and specific proposals, based on the principles of free enterprise. The opportunities to do so are countless, and Party X would not miss them.
No, it wouldn’t .
For example, every political bullfrog and his legrope is presently all afire about child poverty, about mothers being forced out to work, and children being forced into child care by an uncaring Paula Benefit. A Party X wouldn’t miss a challenge of that kind. It would proceed to demonstrate to everyone who would listen that early childhood centres survive on subsidies—which just barely covers the cost for the ever-increasing number of regulations they have to follow. It would point out to everyone that the salary of one parent in every couple is spent just paying their tax bill. That one partner in every couple is effectively going out to work just to pay their tax bill.
Our Party X would demand to know why, say, the couple can’t even get a tax credit for any money spent on the education of their children, or for those children whose education they might choose to sponsor. And Party X would offer this proposal to voters: a tax exemption for the educational expenses of all citizens.
And Party X would also declare that if people really wanted to put other people first they might begin by taking their hand out of other people’s pockets.
For another example, every hand wringer and his box of tissues likes to wail about the problem of affordable housing. But they have no idea of how to make housing affordable. And they wail about it while doing all they can to make housing even more unaffordable.
Now I rejoice in the fact there are now many more people already singing from our songsheet—about rolling back the planners’ power over land and building that makes our overregulated housing more than four times the build-cost of freer markets.
But their proposed changes will take time. A Party X would want to know why councils couldn’t have small consents tribunals for projects under, say, $300,000. As former Federated Farmers president Charlie Pederson observed, "it's little, not large, that suffers most RMA pain." These tribunals, charged with using common sense and common law to make quick decisions, would fix that.
And Party X would also declare the wider principle that when the productive have to ask permission from the unproductive in order to produce, then you may know that your culture is stuffed.
I want us to be that Party X.
And something more.
We who understand the power of genuine freedom to deliver real prosperity might even realise we can spike the guns of our opponents, to silence those who are only too eager to put us in the ashcan of being “right wing”, by declaring that we are the party of affordability. Because only real economic freedom can make things that are genuinely affordable.
WE might even, if we were to stand for local govt in the likes of Auckland or Ashburton next next year, develop a sort of franchise, calling our loose franschise as necessary, Affordable Auckland, Affordable Ashburton and so on.
Of course, our Party X would recognise the only way Wellington would ever be affordable would be the erasure of whole govt departments.
And the only way Christchurch will ever be affordable again, or even a real city instead of a welfare project, will be if it can be made an enterprise zone.
And we will say that.
Face it, there are no shortage of opportunities.
Our only choice should be which particular battles to fight. About which more later.
Let me tell you first what I mean by using our principles as a weapon.
To start with, let’s realise that eating the elephant one bite at a time doesn’t mean compromise. Let’s realise that right now.
We certainly have to recognise the realities of what’s politically possible, but that’s no reason at all to withdraw from a commitment to removing the leash from around our throats. Quite the opposite.
What it does means is that we direct our work as far towards our final goals as possible, and wok fervently for every small gain we can get --- and we formulate our policies on principle to reflect that. Writer Robert Tracinski gives us the big tip:
In judging a measure, he says, one cannot hold it responsible for all aspects of a mixed economy - only for those aspects it changes.
These changes can be evaluated by a straightforward application of the principle of individual rights: Does the reform remove some aspect of government control or does it add more control?...It is not a compromise to advocate reduced government control in one sphere even if controls in other spheres are left standing. It is a compromise, on the other hand, if one seeks to purchase increased freedom in one area at the price of increased control in another.
Clear enough: Start with what you find, and don’t take responsibility for it. Then design the means to work towards your goal one baby step at a time, without ever purchasing increased freedom at the expensed of increased coercion.
This is what is meant by the phrase ‘ratchet for freedom.’
This approach gives us a real weapon if we can make it into parliament. It would be a game changer.
We could spurn altogether any idea of coalition, which has killed every minor party who embraced it. Instead, we could give every party in the house the firm commitment that we would vote for every single measure just as long as it removed some government control, just as long as it advanced freedom, just as long as there were no new element of coercion.
And how could anyone object to that?
And just think. No need for made-to-be-broken coalition agreements, because any party who needed it would have our cast-iron commitment to vote with them on every measure removing some government control, as long as there were no new element of coercion—which means supporting every budget that removed spending, just as long as there was no new increased burden on anybody.
Just imagine it. Every politician in the house will be hurrying to understand what the words more freedom and less government actually mean.
Just think about it. Every journalist in the country who wants to talk up votes in the house will be doing our job for us, because to understand how our votes would be committee—if we get to parliament—would require them, too, to understand what the words more freedom and less government actually mean.
A principled opposition of course – our putative 'Party X' -- would also promote such policies. An intelligent opposition would design such policies to be picked up and passed around.
To be picked up and passed around (and to be worth passing around) every policy should pass The Test of the Three Ps: it should be Practical, it must be Principled, and it will have been designed to be arse-grabbingly Provocative.
Provocative enough to be passed around; Practical enough to be work; Principled enough to move the game in the right direction. The principle with each policy must be clear: More freedom with no new coercion.
Now I know there are policy wonks in this very room who if we let them would talk enough would all say which specific policies we should promote and why.
But I’m going to say we shouldn’t sweat the specific policies now. Not yet. Not this afternoon. I say if we get broad agreement now on our general approach, we can put ACT's principles at the top of the page, and meet early next year to thrash out the main policy platform arising therefrom.
One think I think we can agree on now is that we keep it simple, stupid.
Here’s what I mean. At the last election, the Greens had great success from promoting just three basic policies. Sorry, three “priorities.” If you recall, the three “priorities” were green jobs, clean rivers and child poverty. It worked.
Now without commenting on those priorities themselves, I think we’d all say it worked. They found a small number of areas on which there’s huge popular support, and articulated their positions with all the energy and taxpayers’ money they could command..
I think we can learn from that. I’d like to think however that our target voter is smarter than the Greens’s. I’d like to think that. So I think we can do better than three. I reckon we should promote five major policies, a “tight five” of priorities, promoted over and over again until we’re bored with talking about them—because only then will others start to notice.
So which five do we promote?
That’s the sixty-million dollar question, isn’t it.
The populist way for a party to capture support is to find people’s itches and scratch them. Ours is a harder route, but with greater long-term payoff.
Political parties must first of all capture support, so their policies do have to be popular. But they also have to continually expand the market for their ideas, (something ACT failed to do) so every policy also has to teach.
Remember, if we’re going to be successful we need to attract the support of around 100,000 people. So I’d suggest the test for being in our “tight five” should be these five points:
- Select those policies that clearly demonstrate our principles;
- Select those policies for which we estimate there are already 100,000 people in the country who agree with us; and
- Select those policies for which those 100,000 will vote for us instead of anyone else.
- Reject policies too closely associated with past failure.
- Accept those policies that promote the benevolence and sense of life of freedom.
NB: All five points are important.
Selecting those policies that demonstrate our principles keeps us honest, and it helps educate others. (Promoting affordable cities, for example, allows us to teach people that only by making people freer can our cities become more affordable.)
Without popular policies we’re wasting our time. (Promoting marijuana legalisation, for example, which we already know has large support—and tells anyone who needs to know that this is not a right-wing party, it’s one serious about freedom.)
Without policies for which we alone have a competitive advantage, we’re spending time promoting policies for which other parties receive the rewards. (there’s little point in us spending time promoting law and order, for example, because the Nats will lap up that support, not us.)
We have to learn from the sad career trajectory of Don Brash that anything publicly associated with ACT (and possibly everyone associted) is now poison for most people. So that means policies directly and publicly associated with them will be too (which means, unfortunately, that one law for all must be out.)
For too long we’ve rained on everyone’s parade by scaring them about Nanny State and telling them what we’d like to abolish, what we’d like to take away. And that’s scared them. How about we tell them all them instead all the benefits of freedom, like prosperity, like affordability, like choice. Yes, that will be much harder, but I think the sugar pill will prove more palatable to more people.
There is one policy however which by necessity violates this last guideline of being positive.
Let’s face it. Economically, the world is in a mess. I’m convinced that we need to promote balanced budgets and hard money. The payoff for this will be when the unfortunate GFC 2.0 crash happens, and (unlike the other parties) we will be seen to know what we're talking about, just as the likes of Peter Schiff, Detlev Schlicter, and John Allison had their reputations enhanced by warning of the coming of the last calamity.
There is yet another reason to keep our suite of policy themes to a minimum.
And that’s because not all of us in this room agree on everything.
That’s both the strength and the weakness of a party of all the talents.
I draw inspiration from the Ministry of All the Talents formed in Britain during the Napoleonic War, and again during the Second World War, that drew on talents from across the spectrum, coming together with the one aim of winning the war.
Our divisions are fewer than those between, say Nai Bevan and Winston Churchill. But with their aims limited to specific goals, they could find agreement.
So can we.
WE have a mission. We have a goal. We share an understanding, I think, of how to get there.
Now, to the extent that we are successful in attracting large numbers, we’ll all be running into people we’ve had run-ins with before. To that I say “suck it up.” That’s a good thing, it will be one early sign of our success—that we’re drawing in people who have left the lists for other things and have now returned to the battle. If it happens, as it should, embrace it. And as long as we’re honest with each other, and all our aims are the same, we can agree and get on with it.
OUR IMMEDIATE AIM must be to give a home to ACT's disenfranchised libertarians and social liberals, along with like-minded souls from Libz, ALCP, socially liberal Young Nats and elsewhere.
AND OUR LONG-TERM AIM must be to produce by education and activism a “freedom bloc” in parliament of intelligent, articulate, knowledgeable advocates of freedom. A principled and powerful Party of All the Talents that regenerates itself by continual education of members and MPs.
(And for those who do read Matthew Hooton, let me assure you that doesn’t mean re-education in the art of romantic realism. Well, not necessarily.)
** AIM OF FREEDOM BLOC: The aim is obviously to be in Parliament within six years.
Let’s not think that will be easy.It’s certainly possible. But it’s not going to be easy.
If we’re going to do it, we have to be credible. We have to be financial. And we have to be active.
Outside parliament and struggling for attention, what we really need here is a constant campaign--a permanent revolution, if you will. Not just a three-week burst in some far-distant November, but an ongoing concerted campaign to capture attention for the party, and teach the ideas.
Q: How many of you are really up for that? How many of you are willing to back that.
The opportunity exists for us to Take advantage. But how many of you value it enough to get behind it. Because this is where it all gets that much harder.
Campaigning costs money. Campaigning credibly costs big money.
We have a wealth of ideas. But do we have wealth and funders sufficient to bankroll us?
On that, I bow to those more qualified to answer. But I do know that being credible attracts big money. And I know that some of you know how, and from whom, to extract it.
And we are also going to need grassroots financial support.
I reckon no party with the goals that we have can be taken seriously, or can do the job we need to do, unless there’s regular and decent funding from the membership. Unless there is serous money not just at election time, but all through the electoral cycle. Unless the leader of the party, the man or woman who (like it or not) is going to be the party’s face, is at least getting an honorarium for all the time that doing the job properly will take.
Whatever we choose to call it, if we’re going to do it properly this new project will demand a lot of our time, and cost a lot of money.
So to those who are thinking of applauding me now I’ve finally concluded, just let me say this.
Don’t clap. Just throw money.
Because if we’re not just pissing in the wind, we’re going to need it.
* * * * *
- Small Consents Tribunals – accept RMA but insist that Small Consents Tribunals are set up, something like Small Claims Tribunals, to deal with projects under $300,000 on the basis of a Codification of Common Law. At one very easy stroke you make more low-cost housing much more affordable for many more people.
- Iwi then Kiwi – accept ToW, insist only that all property involved (which, let’s face it, is the only way we’re going to see any real privatisation this decade) is individualised and transferrable. And call it what it is. Privatisation. At one simple stroke you have the biggest political power bloc in the country, the Browntable, behind privatisation.
- Balanced Budget
- Legalise cannabis
- Voluntary euthanasia
- Abolish Search & Surveillance Act, 2012
- Abolish Maori seats
- Enterprise Zone for Christchurch
- Affordable Cities
- 40/15 tax: $40k income tax free threshold, 15% GST
- A Very Special Carbon Tax: linked to temperature rise in troposphere at equator
- Eco UnTaxes
- Putting Property Rights in the Bill of Rights.
- Replace zoning with “Coming to the Nuisance”
- Tax credits for education
You spent the entire speech attacking ACT and never once mention Labour or the Greens - the real enemy. That's why you'll always be irrelevant. Because you don't know who your enemy is.
What a great speech, Pete.
And that's the way to go forward.
@Anonymous: I think you have missed the whole essence of the speech. It is not about attacking ACT, it is about realising that the approaches of liberal parties in the past, for various reasons, have not worked. The idea is that the objective should not be to attack the other parties, per sae, but rather offer practical alternatives, which involve freedom, for the issues that matter.
Mr. Nony, did you actually read the speech? Not only were the Greens mentioned, it was underlined exactly WHY they are the enemy, and how to benefit by utilising their proven growth strategy. Labour, it seems, have no strategy, and exist solely as an (not-really-an) alternative to the Blue socialist team. People harp on about how different they are, but as both Perigo AND Cresswell pointed out, where's the alternative when they seemingly just rubber stamp each others' policies by failing to repeal them?
Anyway, "you'll always be irrelevant" is just more sneering from the sidelines. If you actually want to help, suggest something. I'm only sorry that I say this as someone who couldn't make the conference, but have been inspired by what I've seen coming out of it so far.
My only criticism: PC, do you think you and Lindsay could tone down the name-calling? I really think that an argument is devalued when the proponent resorts to cheap shots like "Faecesbook" and "Dunne-Nothing". I've been guilty of it myself on many occasions, but then I'm not in the public eye! Well, not often, and generally only on beer related issues. ;)
1. I would love a name and log change. A total rebranding. 'True Liberals' is cool. The branding needs to be good and of high quality and standard, the old website is crap and to be honest, the quality of the brand is a huge factor. 2. Definetly stop name calling and all negativity, it is unbecoming of anyone worth listening to and it is a huge turn off, the libz have a shocking reputation for this. Why can't it stop? Ron Paul is hugely popular and he has always been completely decent. 3. I'd like to see policies that would energise young people. A noninterventionist foreign policy is the bloodstream of the NZ pshyce but it is not been pursued or emphised by any major political party. If our message was to stay out of entangling alliances, friendship and trade will all, war with none, no SAS invading foreign lands and non involvment in the coming war with Iran. I think this message would resonate hugely with NZ'ers and they are not hearing it from anyone else. The Muslim dark ages are only a few years of an internet connection and cellphone away from waking up. Such is the power of open information. So I don't understand the objectivist war mongering position, killing people in other countries is not going to solve anything, it just makes it worse. Sanctions on individuals to trade with Iranian, Cuban, North Korean individuals is a huge injustice and perverse to the principles of liberalism. If the new party becomes the antiwar and global free trade party It would get huge traction, not 100,000 but 1,000,000. Middle east savages are only interested in the US because the US is there, there would be no terrorism if it wasn't for decades of interventionism and war.
1. I would love a name and log change. A total rebranding. 'True Liberals' is cool. The branding needs to be good and of high quality and standard, the old website is crap and to be honest, the quality of the brand is a huge factor. 2. Definetly stop name calling and all negativity, it is unbecoming of anyone worth listening to and it is a huge turn off, the libz have a shocking reputation for this. Why can't it stop? Ron Paul is hugely popular and he has always been completely decent. 3. I'd like to see policies that would energise young people. A noninterventionist foreign policy is the bloodstream of the NZ pshyce but it is not been pursued or emphised by any major political party. If our message was to stay out of entangling alliances, friendship and trade will all, war with none, no SAS invading foreign lands and non involvment in the coming war with Iran. I think this message would resonate hugely with NZ'ers and they are not hearing it from anyone else. The Muslim dark ages are only a few years of an internet connection and cellphone away from waking up. Such is the power of open information. So I don't understand the objectivist war mongering position, killing people in other countries is not going to solve anything, it just makes it worse. Sanctions on individuals to trade with Iranian, Cuban, North Korean individuals is a huge injustice and perverse to the principles of liberalism. If the new party becomes the antiwar and global free trade party It would get huge traction, not 100,000 but 1,000,000. Middle east savages are only interested in the US because the US is there, there would be no terrorism if it wasn't for decades of interventionism and war.
Special Carbon Tax: linked to temperature rise in troposphere at equator
you want to tax us for the Milankovitch cycles?
what, then when we start cooling, going to tax us for that as well?
(great speech from what I have read so far -
do you get to acknowledge that you will need a popular well-known telegenic person to front the PAT? - preferably an ex-all black :) )
Admire your honesty about past failures and looking forward to the new liberal freedom bloc advancement.
Focusing on key issues with practical alternative solutions that most people can apply in their own situations will obviously help carry the motion forward into the future.
What's next on the cards?
Good speech, loved the closing goals. I think you're picking the right issues to run with.
i do not disagree with any of the above speech. I am sorry I couldn't make the meeting, very sorry indeed. I think the Libz failed for another unmentioned reason. (Perhaps unmentionable reason.) Since joining in 1997 I have found the internecine bickering and (sometimes) haughty put-downs disconcerting and destructive. If the Libz were to have ever flourished it required a cohesion amongst the loyal members which did not from my perception subsist. There has seemed to be a preference for caustic criticisms of thoughts/ideas which strayed from the rigidity of Randian objectivism. (An Achilles heel? Yes probably.) I am a libertarian in my gut but not necessarily in my head. That's why my beliefs and adherence remain libertarian rather then softening to conservatism. I shall follow the phoenix of a party which will likely emerge from today, not because of a love of that party but due to it being the place I belong. Best wishes to you all.
Chris R.
There is a place for an X party. There is no place for a God party or a Populist party.
The X party will have work with National and yes National are pinkos but that is liveable.
The alternative is a Labour/green/mana/NZF Marxist hell hole that would be unliveable.
Same old internalised bullshit.
Excellent speech Peter.
Hope it has catalysed something.
I was really sorry that I couldn't attend, PC, but I had a conflicting reunion function that was important to me and so I couldn't be there. I hope it was a constructive meeting.
Reading your speech here I found myself cheering in so many places and I think you have made an excellent argument on the way forward for freedom, as well as intelligently articulating why it has failed up until now.
I don't mean to be negative, and I hope you won't think I am pouring cold water for the sake of it.... but I honestly cannot see any new party gaining any support at all if it promotes acceptance of the Treaty Scam and the continuing transferring of our country's hard earned assets into the hands of any Maoris, whether they are individuals , tribes, or whatever. Your plan to kowtow to the Browntable, as you call them, will kill off any support you might garner, before it starts.
You seriously need to rethink this, if you hope to get any traction at all.
Dave Mann
Very good speech Peter only slightly blemished by the populist Maori bashing at the end.
Here are the three issues that really matter to me:-
1) Within the big state, most people gain something at the expense of everyone else. These gains are achieved by lobbying or wielding political power. As the state shrinks, the spoils of playing the political game will reduce broadly equally. If a liberal party speaks against any particular political interest group (e.g. beneficiaries, Maori, etc.) , then the implication is that it will direct the shrinking of government largess unequally, favouring those groups which are not criticised. In the minds of voters this places the party in a clear position on the existing political spectrum and crowds out the non-coercion argument with which voters are less familiar.
2) We all have opinions about religious and other beliefs. However, these are matters for private individuals and not the state. Therefore people who speak publicly for a liberal party will unnecessarily alienate voters by expressing their personal opinions. It is not possible for readers/listeners to separate out personal opinions from policy intentions. Reflect on things which Ron Paul has said which have alienated you (abortion, gay marriage, etc.); Many of his supporters claim that those are just personal preferences, but many find it difficult to support Paul because of these and other statements which properly have nothing to do with the state.
3) When any country signs a defence treaty, the first demand is that it plays it’s part. No country ever in the history of the world has pulled its weight in a defence treaty without coercing citizens. Neither ACT nor Libz have been classical liberal parties because they have promoted policies which clearly demand coercion. Hence the easy categorisation as parties of the far right.
BTW the third point is my personal deal breaker and is why I wasn't at the conferance. Please read what Daniel wrote. He is dead right.
Daniel is not dead right. How is the cause of liberty helped by leaving the global stage, and forfeiting all the worlds resources and all of the worlds waterways, to the control of the Russians and the Communist Chinese?
The above aside, I'm happy to see that the Libs are trying to do something different but (seeing as my above brief and somewhat churlish comment is still standing) they need to solidify around two or three core issues that are easy for people to understand.
Just three examples off the top of my head-
1. Abolish the 6 monthly WOF requirement. (QLD gets by with one only when a vehicle is transferred into new ownership.)
2. Abolish the Waitangi Tribunal and the Maori seats. Specify no support for any party entering into coalition with the Maori Party.
3. Abolish Nick Smith's Carbon Tax
Three simple issues that have popular appeal, will bring the party attention, and that also align with a small government political perspective.
Job done.
Well said Peter, it's refreshing to see that its starting to be acknowledged that we need to make fundamental changes in order to effect more positive change for the good. I think as a party, we need to be a lot more dynamic.
I agree with the comments that we need to cut out the negativity as it makes us no better than them.
@Greig: Re your criticism: Yes, it's hard to change old habits.
1. Agree. Not sure myself about TL nametag, although I do like the Monty Python connection.
2. Old habits hard to break.
3. I too would like to see policies that would energise young people. Not sure I agree with your analysis however. I'd like ot be optimistic too about the power of the internet to change cultures (and see Perigo's observations thereon), but hundreds of years of appallingly anti-human, anti-reason, anti-civilisation culture and theology will take more than a few internet connections and cellphone calls to change. You forget too that the 9/11 killers are all well versed in both.
@Drunken Watchman: If temperature goes down we get a tax break. I talked about the Very Special Carbon Tax here.
Yes, a "face" would be good. I hear Owen Glenn might be available?
@RC: Status quo is over. A "steering committee" has been agreed to. Next on the cards is that they do their work, while all participant parties and organisations talk to their members about the proposals, and we meet again in early Feb to finalise name, "tight five," etc., and to start organising for 2013 council elections.
@Mark Hubbard: Thanks Mark. Time for you to be a joiner.
Chris R.: Lindsay talked about it being "a band of brothers." I talked about us focussing on what we all agree on rather than on what we disagree about--and reminded all that if we are successful in attracting to ourselves large numbers, then we are going to meet again folk with whom we might have had a history. And we'll have to try to put those disagreements behind us.
And Perigo's Teach Tank idea that he talked about in his speech allows for more and much wider discussions outside the party grouping itself.
@Liberty: Agree. I think.
@Redbaiter: Disagree: As usual -- or I would if, as always, I had any clue what you're talking about.
@Liberty Scott: Thanks Scott. We sure have. (PS: Thanks for your #Libz2012 tweets and links yesterday.)
@Dave Mann: You see any other way to effect any real privatisation at all? You might be surprised, but Maoridom is one of the few places left where property rights are respected, even if not consistently. And one of the few such places with political clout to do something about it. Why not work with that? PS: I talked about this kind of Very Special Privatisation here.
@Dave Christian: Thanks Dave. You mean abolishing the Maori seats? I don't think it woud be in my "tight five" of policies, but it might at least signal the beginning of the end of institutionalised racism.
1. Yes, fair point. We do not want to favour any special interests at all, which policies across the board ensure, hopefully. But as you say, as the number of policies against special interests are minimised, your point really kicks in doesn't it.
2. Yes, we'll have to think about that. But rest assured I'm not intending to be "the face" of whatever vehicle emerges. There are much better people than I about.
3. I'm not sure I understand your point. Could you clarify precisely what you mean? Specifically, which policies? And how would any of our putative "tight five" bother you in that regard?
@Redbaiter: Astonishingly, We can agree. Somewhat. Your point 1 is possible; a concrete achievable goal to be knocked off from opposition (like the telly tax was) though possibly not bold enough. Half of 2 is a candidate for the "tight five." And 3 would be the effect of my Very Special Carbon Tax.
B Whitehead: Thanks Bruce. Hard to break old habits, especially when it's so much fun. No, we don't need to hold hands and sing Kumbaya, but the Greens do offer many lessons both on how to campaign softly while infiltrating intellectually.
An *excellent* speech.
I also like many of the "candidate policies" for the "tight five".
In particular, I like -
* Balanced Budget
* Abolish Search & Surveillance Act, 2012
* Abolish Maori seats
* Enterprise Zone for Christchurch
* Affordable Cities
* 40/15 tax: $40k income tax free threshold, 15% GST
I *really like* the "Affordable Cities" brand. Simple, positive, very easy to remember.
I'd say that the 40/15 tax should be right up front as far as policies go. Very simple, very fair.
All in all, excellent stuff!
If you are serious about Owen Glenn, then you have your first MP in the bag :)
I would look *very seriously* at targeting Christchurch for the first Libz MP.
There are surely a heap of votes up for grabs there. A lot of people will be dissatisfied with how the rebuild is going, and they won't be keen to vote for the Nats.
Labour utterly sucks as an alternative too.
So, there is a gaping hole there for the Libz to fill.
I suggest that if **anyone** would like government to GTFO of their lives, it is the people of Christchurch.
Push the "get rid of red tape" approach down there and it would surely pay off.
@PC Thanks for the link.... you have been giving this article lot of thought for years. I'm still not sure that every piece of land should be privatized, though, with no 'commons' so we'll have to differ on this one.
It's really great how you are taking the considerable effort to respond rationally, intelligently and politely to people's comments Peter. This is the way to establish true dialog and I think you are doing it really well. It's a good read and well done.
Dave Mann
I agree you should cut out the sobriquets.
I think they are hilarious, but I've heard lots of wowsers grizzle. And you need votes, even theirs.
Faecesbook! Twitterer! Oh that Perigo! What astounding wit. WIth a horrible, tubby, aging, pompous misanthrope at the forefront of this movement, there's no telling where this is going! About the only thing more repulsive are the policies.
If you want more people on board, scrapping the Treaty is a must. You can't take todays legal concepts such as property rights and apply them to 1840s NZ, it was a completely different world back then.
Secondly, many of the 'Maori elite' have more colonial blood than Maori, yet can effectively sue the rest of us for historcal injustices done to Maori. An obscene situation.
Also Judge Holden is correct. Getting rid of Perigo would double the number of Libz followers overnight.
An excellent speech and I love the idea of the "tight five" policies chosen for maximum impact and publicity.
To be effective these policies need to appeal to young voters, because older voters are generally more set in their ways and vote by habit. Most young voters have no political allegiance and will pick a party based on a single issue that resonates with them (or their wallet).
With this in mind, housing affordability has to be on the list as this is a huge issue for people my age (25), particularly those in Auckland. And instead of being negative we should show them $300,000 mansions in Houston, Atlanta etc and say, "Let's have that here."
Poverty and the cost of living are two issues the new party must make mileage out of. Some sort of tax-free threshold for income and a reduction in GST would show potential voters that we aren't just the party of the '1%'.
Drug reform must also be one of the five, as this has considerable public support even among those who vote for the drug war-mongering major parties.
I'm not sure what the remaining two policies should be but perhaps something creative to do with superannuation could be useful for attracting the youth vote.
drunkman said "If you are serious about Owen Glenn, then you have your first MP in the bag".
How about porn king Steve Crow? Mr Crow, wanted to join the Libz but the Libz didn't want him, simply because of the types of business he runs. But his business is legitimate which should have made the Libz automatically want to welcome him to the party.
Terrific. Not everyone will agree, but box on regardless. Some will offer finer details of policy. that's good because at least they're involved. All power to you. Kia kaha.
I really like what your Party is about. Couldnt bring myself to vote for it though.
You reall have the wrong people working on your Brand. Would be a real easy fix.
You really need to strip it back to the basics and the name is not useful : Liberty NZ for example is a more simple and straight forward and easier to understand.
You need a Karl Rove to sort you out , play the strategic game better and a tad more ruthlessness is needed.
You come across as really nice guys , thats not useful in Politics.
Strip back you polices to a small amount of what is needed : Less Govt : Less Tax : Less Bureaucracy : More Money in your Pocket with a minimal sfaety net via the economy.
NZ will likely be gone economically soon anyway (look up PACOM economic stability paper , example for instability is NZ).
Would like to get involved with the party it just needs a broom through it......
You've been around for 17 years and got almost 1,600 votes at the last election.
Rather than aiming at destroying the entire state, wouldn't it be better to run for something more at your level, like Chief Dogcatcher of Waikikimukau?
Excellent speech Peter. I'm with you all the way on this.
Top of the list must be the Bill of Rights Act. It should include property as you have stated. The Bill of Rights must be held up as the master of all other legislation. Any Act, Bill or Regulation that doesn't comply or guarantee the Rights set out in the Bill of Rights should be abolished.
Private enterprise has had enough of Compliance, the costs of compliance, the slavery attached to compliance this should be the next top priority.
All Government Agencies should be required to publish all spending similar in format to that which private enterprise must submit to the IRD for GST, Wages, End of year tax financials with tax invoices matching the entry into a cashbook. In other words a full cashbook of all entries!
The Socialist experiment has not worked there are more people falling through the cracks than ever before. Giving people back their lives so they can empower themselves and take control of their future is imperative.
Treaty issues - there should be no differentiation between some citizens and the Rights of all citizens. I would leave Treaty issues out as a clear concise Bill of Rights can then do its intended function.
The Marijuana issue should be a side issue. There are many important economic issues that are more important to voters right now and to push this barrow as a priority would be a Don Brash style mistake.
Further to my post above.
Affordable housing is a huge issue and much of the cost comes from compliance issues at Council level.
Councils currently take very little notice of the current Bill of Rights Act. I believe once this issue is addressed that many of the problems of cost will be eliminated.
The RMA is severely restrictive and submitters to applications don't wear any of the costs. Submitters can currently obtain restrictions on RMA applicants by complaining about road dust from public roads which are gravel based. There are several commonly used strategies to curtail business activity by submitters when the business doesn't actually generate any harmful effects from the business activity. Councils then place expensive controls on the applicants which hampers business productivity etc.
Councils district plans and land zoning designations need to be addressed to ensure the freeing up of the RMA process.
The Code of Conduct for all State services employees should be written into legislation preferably the Bill of Rights. Any State Services employee in breach should be able to be prosecuted under the Crimes Act.
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