The first thought, of course, is to throw up temporary accommodation around Christchurch as fast as possible.
But as we know, “temporary” has a strange way of becoming permanent (such as the post-war prefabs build in South England to house the post-war homeless, some of which are still being enjoyed now as the equivalent of NZ’s beach baches), so the better minds are already realising that it is no point simply building in haste today the slums of tomorrow.
Better instead that whatever is put up swiftly today be future-proofed to be part of something better tomorrow.
Future-proofing this temporary accommodation means more than just thinking about making provision now for the new cabling and computer-driven systems that boffins will be inventing over coming decades.
It means thinking now about things like
- the durability of materials and componentry (so what is built will last);
- making these temporary units easily expandable into something greater (and building in now the capacity and flexibility to make this happen);
- how the accommodation units are laid out (layouts that support the building of communities, with space between them for units to expand);
- incentive schemes to encourage occupants of these units to eventually become owners;
- making the units as simple to build as possible (which requires quite a bit of ingenuity in design) so that almost anyone can build and expand them (the more people capable of assembling them the more labour will be available to contribute to their rapid construction);
- using as many “off-the-shelf” systems and components as possible to avoid delays in developing new prototypes;
- and about designing the units as attractively as possible so that the good folk living in them will want to buy theirs.
Or better.
Or at least as ingenious.
With that in mind, here’s just a few opening thoughts on the matter.
Designing in staged improvements
However these units are built, the more flexible their planning the better for the future. Consider as an example of the sort of flexibility these simple cabins, which have been designed so that, come the time, something much grander may be made of them. (Coincidentally, the pictures below come from an old remaindered book I bought second-hand from the Canterbury Public Library some years ago.)Thinking about structural systems
One of the major question to be asked about these units is “where are they going to be built.” If you want to build around fifty to one-hundred units a weeks safely and economically, you’re really talking about building in factory conditions and then trucking either panels, house sections or whole houses out to sites to assemble and place on foundations.Some years ago I worked at a yard in Perth doing just that for a house builder called Durabilt. The houses were built in the yard on lightweight pre-stressed concrete “bridge” sections that were supremely stiff, able to support long spans, and exactly the size of a truck deck.
A simple house might consist of two, three or more of these “decks,” on which the structure was framed up using lightweight steel stud framing with all joints spot welded together—which made it both light and very, very stiff.
A two-module house could be assembled in the yard by two carpenters in around 2.5 to 3 days, with all materials being delivered to them by forklift, and all other trades programmed in. The individual truck sections were then trucked to site and set upon six large concrete rings into which the foundations were poured, and all services connected.
Hey presto, four days after the concrete deck was deposited in front of two carpenters in the yard, it was all ready to move into somewhere in the Western Australian desert. Very quick, very simple, very inexpensive, very ingenious.
Here’s a few of my old photos to give you an idea of the system:
As you can see from these pictures, designing the simple houses around the lightweight concrete sections, using the module of a truck deck as the starting point, a very efficient construction system is possible.
One issue bound to cause problems with any temporary accommodation is what to do about infrastructure, which will be the place where real “traffic jams” are almost bound to occur.Talking about real traffic jams writer Andrew Galambos talks about them as being a collision between capitalism and socialism, where capitalism can produce cars quicker than socialism can produce roads.
A similar problem might emerge with the provision of temporary accommodation, with capitalism able to produce and erect fare more housing units than the council can provide and repair the infrastructure to which they might need to be connected (given, especially, that it seems no part of the damaged infrastructure was insured, meaning all repairs and new construction must be paid out of existing capital) .
Fortunately, solutions exist.
Stringing new electricity cables is probably the simplest job to be overcome, and could be turned into a real aesthetic bonus by offering up the design of new poles and pylons (of which literally hundreds will be covering the landscape) to design competitions. The poles and pylons themselves can help symbolise recovery.
Getting new water mains to new sites is a little more difficult, but provision for this can be made in the reconstruction of exiting roads, and on-site use of rainwater and grey water should be considered to minimise water demand.
The greatest problem of infrastructure is how to get rid of waste water and storm water. Fortunately, solutions exist for this too. Instead of tapping into an already damaged centralised storm/wastewater system, with all the long delays associated with this, consideration could be given instead to onsite or decentralised disposal of waste and storm water (sometimes called “sustainable” disposal):
Onsite wastewater disposal systems are now legion, both for individual houses and for small “hamlets” of houses. These include sand filtration systems, evapo-transpiration systems, aerobic soakage beds, compensated dripper-line systems, wetland flow systems, and are very, very good—producing some delightful landscapes with the wastes themselves often used as compost and fertiliser.
By installing evapotranspiration trenches as a means of wastewater disposal, for example, the wastewater from a house can be used to establish vegetation around a house, around a park, or across a field of edible plants like alfalfa. And evapotranspiration trenches can be integrated with water harvesting swales and basins into designs to produce interesting landcape designs in a flat landscape, and to maximise food production, shade, shelter and dust mitigation. (See here for example for their use in remote Australian communities.)
There’s an awful lot more to be said, and these are just a very few initial thoughts about the lines down which thinking might go in providing temporary accommodation around Christchurch. And I haven’t even begun talking yet about the actual architectural design of the units themselves.But that’s a post for another day.
[ Cross-posted to my Organon Architecture Blog ]
The sewerage system seams perfectly suited. Haven't we been saying Christchurch is built on a swamp anyway!
Take the city centre back to the way it used to be. The avon flowing through feilds of bullrushes.
Great to get this discussion started. Agree with your lines of discussion. You perhaps may not realise Christchurch City is actually reasonably pioneering as far as SW management in urban areas in NZ goes - far more advanced than the greater Auckland area, and many of the experimental daylighting projects were underway around 15-20 years ago. It has already combined parks, greenways and SW management in many of its areas - see the CCC website - Travis Wetland, Styks River area, SW suburbs developed in the last 10 years (LIUDD), Heathcote river.
Key words - riparian, Otautahi ecology, waterways, Lucas Associates
Lemon Juice
But as we know, “temporary” has a strange way of becoming permanent
How much of that is just because anything that's been up for more than 5 years is declared a "heritage site" and becomes impossible to knock down or fix up? :(
people outside our Christchurch City know less than they see on TV:
our sewer system is seeping right throughout, the plague is near,
even though civil authorities work relentlessly dudes,
you can not really go anywhere, for there is nowhere to go,
there is no city, there is no library, no cafe, no wine bar, no fun, no park for your dear children,
our lives are small, and our hands have callous from shovels,
all the priviledged people are moving away soon,
send you poor forgotten sons down here to rebuild if they are tough enough,
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