- In New Zealand, the blue party is introducing a bill based on green-based faith that will all but cripple New Zealand, and blue MPs are walking tamely into the lobbies to vote for it. Asked to do the same in Australia however, the blue MPs revolted, resigned and the rolled the party leader, Malcolm Turnbull, who wanted them to sell out their principles.
So if there are blue MPs with a spine, they’re not on this side of the Tasman.
Read The Liberal heroes and then How the Liberals snatched back their party.
- "Incompetent and unscrupulous lawyers." Isn't that something of a redundancy?
- Steve McIntyre has the deleted data from Phil Jones’s “hide the decline” trick
- Climategate: Salinger et al Making New Zealand warmer - not “hide the decline” but “ramp up the rise” http://bit.ly/5LgTW6
- Looks like the Obama Administration is negotiating to give the Taliban control of territory in Afghanistan . . .
- Manufacturing consensus: Andrew Bolt summarises why Climategate hurts the warming faith http://bit.ly/919tiK
- Hadley Center code is so bad it's almost macroeconomics
- Onkar Ghate explains at Fox News Why Ayn Rand Still Resonates: “The key to Rand’s enduring popularity is that she appeals not to the immaturity but to the idealism of youth.”
Why Ayn Rand Still Resonates
- 'I'm going to tell my son the worst swearword in the world' Yikes!
- Obama has broken budget records—far exceeding the 1st-yeartab of any other U.S. president in history.
- Here’s a great and frankly frightening chart (scroll down) showing the huge hike in NZ Govt spending in recent years. Can you guess what spending went up most, and who the minister was?
- A Thanksgiving message: How Private Property Saved the Pilgrims:
- Are there genuine conflicts of interest between rational men? Ayn Rand says no.
- Thanksgiving: it's a “producer’s holiday."
- Top 16 tips on How to Argue Like A Progressive - or to recognise when somebody is. 1st tip: "Lie. All the time. "
- From NOT PC: http://tinyurl.com/yacahzo - Pero v Air New Zealand. Has Air New Zealand learned nothing in 30 years?
- Fanaticism brought us hacked emails and climategate
This week’s most interesting disclaimer:
This paper has not been peer-reviewed by Phil Jones, Keith Briffa, Mike Mann, or any IPCC lead author!”
- Why #Climategate is important. Christopher Monckton explains:
- Darwin’s Origins of the Species was published 150 years ago today-the truths Darwin discovered are now, quite properly, the cornerstones of modern biology
- Blog post at NOT PC: http://tinyurl.com/ydyollb - LEAKY HOMES, Part 3: Some thought-provoking responses
- RT @ariarmstrong: "British police arrest people just for DNA samples." USA Today:
http://bit.ly/5IZSWV And coming to NZ soon . . .
- Michael Mann's infamous hockey stick & Climategate is parodied http://bit.ly/4QDklj
- Theodore Dalrymple damns architect Le Corbusier and his work, what I call "neutron-bomb architecture" i.e., buildings without people. Read 'The Architect As Totalitarian'
- Are there "good" asset bubbles and "bad" asset bubbles? Frank Shostak talks sense on Asset Bubble Prices:
- "Insider trading is impossible to police and helpful to markets and investors." And it's *moral.* http://bit.ly/cztiW
- A petition to the UK government has been started regarding the #CRU# email hacks:
- Q: Where does monetary inflation come from? A: World's banks hold very low real reserves. Major banks in Japan, US, Germany, Spain, & Italy fail the 8pc safety level. Which means for every dollar they actually hold, they’re lending out well over twelve, and some as much as twenty!
- "Freud and original sin."
- Yaron Brook and Terry Jones talk about the Sarah Palin phenomenon, in a fun interview on the Friday edition of PJTV. The last line is especially funny . . . where are you Lindsay Perigo when the world needs you? http://bit.ly/92LxNl
- Phil Jones has two different stories: "I deleted loads of emails" - 2007. "We’ve not deleted any emails" - Nov 24, 2009, Guardian .The poor man can't even lie straight.
http://bit.ly/7hjDEG - #ClimateGate HARRY_READ_ME.txt file: "... it’s no wonder they had to spin this for 10 years–it’s all absolute bullshit"
- #CRU: HARRY_READ_ME.txt file astonishing example how CRU handles data - it's "gradeschool for people with big data sets"
- “Obama Dug a deep Hole in Honduras by Trying to Save a Chavez Wannabe”
- A timely work of art: Barrias' 'Nature Unveiling Herself Before Science'
- Memo to Government: Outsourcing from the private sector can be good for you
- #RaisingGoodKids: New book on raising ethical kids without religion: Parenting Beyond Belief http://bit.ly/6t7TFu
- Australian warmist Tim Flannery tries a reality check: there’s been a "slight cooling" for the last ten years but "we don’t understand all factors that create earth’s climate"
- UK warmist Monbiot is convinced #ClimateGate emails are genuine, and he's "dismayed and deeply shaken by them"
- It's official. From fruitcake to real fruitcake: Jeanette Fitzsimplesimons has become a Truther. http://bit.ly/6N2bjB
- Phil Jones, alleged scientist at centre of #Climategate emails, tells friends at the Guardian, "What, me worry."
- “I can’t see either of these papers being in the next IPCC report. K and I will keep them out somehow – Phil Jones, from the CRU, manufacturing consensus for the IPCC
- Leonard Peikoff addresses the claim that Old Testament doctrine is the basis of morality. As if it could be!
- Victoria Postrel has the news: African leaders advise Bono on reform of U2
http://bit.ly/8QRoa0 Now that's funny. :-)
- Someone tell Bernard Hickey & all those other mainstream tax-bandits: Australia's Capital Gains Tax is a bust – it raises little revenue at a substantial cost to economic efficiency, and did nothing whatsoever to avert their housing bubble.
- George Reisman: After the economic disaster, the most important single step for economic recovery is a secure currency. He explains how to get there, and why.
- The Visible Hand has some good news for NZ:, if we're up for it.
- Real Climate's Gavin Schmidt says "context" is needed for CRU emails. Insider Judy Curry gives that context.
- The UK TaxPayers’ Alliance Reports Phil Jones et al to Information Commissioner over his responses to “Freedom of Information” requests: http://bit.ly/6FwWkU
- New Zealand doctor & Libertarianz Party leader says Jon Voight is "quite correct" to denounce New Zealand's health system. http://bit.ly/7eCsYx
- Glenn Beck: Loudon Stands With You.
- "Just being Kiwis is holding us back" say researchers
- Wall St Journal profiles Steve McIntyre, who CRU emails confirms is one of AGW's Most Dangerous Apostates
- Death is no barrier.150yrs after publication of On the Origin of Species, New Scientist magazine interview Charles Darwin
- 'Workshops' are not work. -they're designed "to prevent people from carrying on their real work." – Dalrymple
- Tapu Misa quotes #AynRand in NZ Herald. "Individual rights are not subject to a public vote . . . " Progress? I think so.
- Obama in China. Some "too true" humor from Saturday Night Live. http://bit.ly/59cz6u
- Author of the damn fine Skeptics Handbook on global warming http://bit.ly/b2YMJ has a timely sequel - Skeptics Handbook II: The Bullies Want Your Money
- One searches in vain for a single Nobel Peace Prize winner whose work measurably advanced the cause of peace
http://bit.ly/6rCsfT Except, as Eric Crampton points out, Norman Borlaug.
- In one simple article George Reisman explains Keynes, Japanese stagnation and the Rust Belt.
- With 2 new biographies & worldwide interest in #AynRand, the left&right backlash has begun. But why no real argumemts?
- The increase of interest in #AynRand is great, but seeing the same old misconceptions is wearying.
- 8 simple ways to kill a creative idea.
- Sarah Palin "looks hot & intelligent" in Kiwi-made!
- The NZ Govt has broken a promise made under APEC to have free trade by 2010. Why? In a word, Mercantilism.
“We’re cutting lies and jive from our show-we're trying to do a magic show where no one leaves with distorted ideas about reality.”
- Penn Jillette, from conjuring duo Penn & Teller
- Penn Jillette, from conjuring duo Penn & Teller
- Phil Jones? Resignation is inevitable, says the Not Evil Just Wrong blog.
- This is frightening. A time lapse unemployment visualization of USA: The Geography of Recession. Watch America turn purple.
- Milton Friedman’s declaration that "inflation is everywhere and always a monetary phenomena" needs an update.
- Michael Mann - premiere climate scientist, inventor of hockey sticks: "These two are clowns..."
- Brit Euro MP Daniel Hannan “reviews” Ayn Rand. With friends like these, etc. . .
- ''The warmist conspiracy: The emails that most damn Phil Jones''
- Michael E. Mann: "This is the sort of "dirty laundry" one doesn't want to fall into the hands..."
- Phil Jones - keeper of world temperature records for the past 1000yrs:
"Can you delete any emails you may have had..."
- Whole Foods' John Mackey reckons even though Austrian economists haven’t been credited for their business cycle theory, we nonetheless have what Austrian Business Cycle Theory predicts.
- Yaron Brook on PJTV - part 2 reckons that with the trial in New York of the “brains” of the 9/11 atrocity, The War Returns to NYC
- Yaron Brook on PJTV: New Obama Trend: Credibility Is A Bigger Problem Than Health Care Reform
Hehe, that's a funny youtube animation of the Hockey Stick oracle Michael Mann.
For those here who haven't read the original hockey-stick temperature reconstruction graph controversial paper, here it is shown below:
Global-scale temperature patterns and climate forcing over the past six centuries
The technique that they used is called Principal Component Analysis (PCA), which is a linear multivariate statistical technique. It is a popular method in data analysis. If you're using a text search engine, like something searching for a book in a library, this is what the engine is using, PCA. The PCA is based on a linear algebra algorithm called SVD (singular value decomposition), which is also popular in scientific, statistical & engineering analysis. Face recognition software uses it (as one of the many) and so other countless applications.
Since PCA is linear, it is susceptible to giving misleading results since the real world is non-linear. There has been many extensions to the standard linear PCA to make it non-linear, such as Kernel PCA, this is the version that I use in my development (which is still largely still unknown to many statisticians, because these nonlinear PCA variants are published in IEEE, SIAM, ACM journals and not statistics). One version that I am interested to implement is the Dynamic PCA, because the model updates itself incrementally over time, which is good in real time application.
Anyway, back to Mann and his hockey stick. I sent him an email once (no reply from him and I shouldn't be surprised), just to advise him on non-linear methods as I have mentioned above, because the standard PCA he used is unreliable. Yep, unreliable according to researchers in the domain of pattern recognitions (not according to falafulu), and that's why those researchers (pattern recognition experts) have developed non-linear versions because they found that PCA has severe limitations. Also check out their choice of low-pass filter that they used in their paper. There was no explanation of what filter they used and why they used it.
I can only guess that Prof. Mann didn't reply back and thanked me because he felt ashamed that he didn't know it himself. I am 100% confident that he never heard of non-linear PCA variants till the day that I alerted him to the availability of those robust methods.
Ok, the hockey stick is a statistical model (blind-faith) and not a physics model. There are lots of arguments about debunking it by Stephen McIntyre , et al and also the counter-argument put forward by Mann's supporters. These arguments are not important to me.
What I found amazing is that they tried and interpret their PCA reconstruction to fit in with the GCM. This is largely being ignored by both warmists and anti-warmists. Statistics is not physics as I have said many times before, and the interpretation of Mann et al, results in their paper (using PCA), was unscientific to me. Physics model that represent reality, derive what to expect from observations before those are being confirmed rather than tweaking or interpreting the data to fit the model which has been formulated as a priori. Mann's et al original paper did exactly that. Interpreting the PCA reconstruction to agree with the prediction of the GCM.
Ok, I think that's enough global warming explanation for me this week. Perhaps its time for a beer, because it is nice and sunny.
To Simon Power
Congratulations on abolishing the defence of provocation.
You are highly successful at what you do; and no doubt viewed as a strong and dependable man by many.
You are now assured of votes from gay men, and the emotionally weak.
May your career prosper.
"The Defence of Provocation."
1 It was never an absolute defence. It was a method to negate intent and thereby reduce a murder charge to manslaughter.
2 Its misuse in the Weatherston circus was not sufficient a ground to remove it from the Crimes Act 1961.
3 In NZ we do not have degrees of homicide as in other jurisdictions.
I suggest that the removal of provocation ought to have been a component of an overall re-assessment of homicide. Parliament is a repository for failed lawyers, and they've acted unthinkingly once again!
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Q: Where does monetary inflation come from? A: World's banks hold very low real reserves. Major banks in Japan, US, Germany, Spain, & Italy fail the 8pc safety level. Which means for every dollar they actually hold, they’re lending out well over twelve, and some as much as twenty!
Bank's cash reserve ratio is something different from the capital ratio that The Telegraph's article is talking about.
S&P's risk adjusted capital ratio (RAC) is crudely a ratio between equity and assets. Where the assets for a bank are the loans it has made.
The Cash reserve ratio in terms of the balance sheet would be demand deposits (a liability) over Cash + Reserves at the Central Bank (an asset).
The RAC ratio has not much to do with fractional reserve as even banks with 100% cash reserves could have a low RAC ratio.
I like that, Anonymous. "Parliament is a repository for failed lawyers".
Not surprising then that Simon Power is unable to grasp the difference between the 'thought' of provocation and the 'act' of defence.
Americans are suffering from PTSD of 9/11 trauma. What's ailing Kiwis?
I don't know. But, if continual disappointment leads to dulled anger, what more will stir Kiwis into acting?
The thought of absorbing 90 million over the next 3 years? Who's laughing silly at this low figure?
Will this thought provoke Kiwis into action?
You actually read what Tapu Misa writes?
It's like eating glass to me & I never get past the the third paragraph of any of her articles.(it just reads like verbal dribble to me)
"2 Its misuse in the Weatherston circus was... "
But it wasn't misused, it failed miserably, Weatherston is in jail and is the most hated man in the country.
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