Thursday, 4 September 2008

The futile sacrifice of 'Emissions Trading'

GoreFaints News just in that Al Gore fainted when he heard that despite truckloads of CO2 being belched into the atmosphere there is still no evidence to support his hysterical profit-making, and that nutbar scientist James Lovelock -- who invented the "Gaia" nonsense so beloved of climate witchdoctors, and who wails "Before this century is over, billions of us will die"  -- says that New Zealand's proposed Emissions Trading Scheme is "a waste of time." 

"New Zealand, says Lovelock, "is wasting its time passing an Emissions Trading Scheme." Listen here.

Fact is that any ETS from either big party, is little more than a futile sacrifice -- government action that will stop private action, and have no other effect.  If Al Gore actually were right and the worst does happen, the best thing governments could do is get the hell out of the way so free people could adapt to changing circumstances, just as free people always have.  Shackling prosperity now not only doesn't do anything to avert the supposedly coming catastrophe, it makes us much less able to adjust, and much poorer withal.

Could someone please listen?


Luke H said...

If Al Gore actually were right and the worst does happen, the best thing governments could do is get the hell out of the way so free people could adapt to changing circumstances, just as free people always have.

Hear, hear!

Anonymous said...

Absolutely. We need to base laws on facts, not whatever theory is currently trendy.

Anonymous said...

Shit-oh-dear. Gore doesn't even have the decency to have a stroke and stop breathing out CO2.

