Tuesday, 1 July 2008

Jordan Bad Luck

Labour's Hunua candidate, the perennially young Jordan Carter, has made the first foray to inoculate himself from many 'myself when a tad young and resentful' Carterisms that will litter the internet for years to come.

Stuff like "I wouldn’t go into business if my life depended on it," not realising that it does.  Or "I find trade immoral," a statement that trades on both envy and resentment.  Or “achieving a worker’s paradise,” which he's stated as his political goal.  Or of  the need to “rip away” the “non-political” “fig leaf of Parliamentary services”?  What did he mean by this sort of nonsense?  Who knows.  But when he said that and much more like it he was, he tells us, an "angry young activist" who meant it, whereas now he's "older and wiser" he's embarrassed about it.  Since he's braindead and just twenty-six (and still looks like he's about twelve), the explanation doesn't even stack up, particularly when it resonates so well with the statements of his political masters.

All you need to know is that he doesn't resile from any it.  Sure, he's embarrassed about it now he's"taking politics seriously," ie., seeking to suck off the taxpayer's tit permanently, but it's clear enough he still means every word.

PS: Today he's told readers "I'm not interested in money or profit."  Doesn't change, does it.


Callum said...

Whether Jordan gets in at the election or not, it's a win-win situation for us. Having him get in will show the stupidity of the current-day young Labour supporters, and having him not get into Parliament will show the Labour Party what the public already thinks of Labour's brainwashed activitist-candidates.

Anonymous said...

Well written post Peter, it's going to be interesting at election time...

Anonymous said...

I hope that the public has begun to recognise the fringe weirdness that has captured the Labour Party, their deplorable disconnection from reality, and their betrayal of honest blue collar New Zealanders. Labour has created an unsustainable bureaucratic behemoth sucking taxpayers dry.

Anonymous said...

"Labour has created an unsustainable bureaucratic behemoth sucking taxpayers dry."

Pretty much sums them up. Maybe that's a phrase we should use come election time:

Labour: Unsustainable

Anonymous said...

"Having him get in will show the stupidity of the current-day young Labour supporters,"

Poor naïve Callum. No matter how stupid the Parliament is, people will vote the same people in again, and again, and again.

Callum said...

hanso: That does seem to be a general trend these days. Hopefully though, the NZ intelligensia will finally wake up to what the Labour Party is all about.

Anonymous said...

Callum: about 75%, if not more, of the New Zealand intellegista are either commited socialists or environmentalists who believe Labour Party is not statist enough. The rest are Libertarians(such as you), people who are so disgusted with politics they have no ideology, or that rare breed of conservative who has some form of brain.

Anonymous said...

I just found this post. Dammit.

Peter, I direct your attention here to a conversation in 1999 between Jordan Carter and Paul Walker.

Jordan, having been owned by Paul, finally capitulated:

"There's this weird thing about intellectual power gradients. People either find them intimidating or they don't. Because of your manner or something, I find you intimidating. I therefore won't argue with you Paul.


I remember the conversation from then because of just how completely Jordan was beaten in that conversation and for his capitulation acknowledging that (to Jordan's credit, most would have just walked away. And to Jordan's greater credit, come to think of it, he was only 17 at the time).