Tuesday, 20 November 2007

From one lawyer to another ...

The once idealistic Stephen Price is now fronting for a corrupt law says Stephen Franks, who grieves for him "descending to justify corrupt law ... on the grounds that it will not be enforced."
Today I heard Price minimising the freedom of speech limit in a law that will “permit legitimate lobby groups to carry on” if they comply with “minimal” registration requirements (not mentioning the accounting, auditing, record keeping etc) so long as they “do not advocate for or against any politician or party”. In other words you can have ‘free speech’ as long as we know where we can get you, and only so long as you do not let people know which politicians support or oppose your policy position.
Read Stephen's opinion here.

1 comment:

Kevin said...

Sorry to hijack but remember the protest tomorrow midday Wellington.

Lindsay reminded me that white ribbon day is coming up on the 25th to protest violence against women (very worthy).

It gave me an idea - not only wear a gag on the protest tomorrow, wear a black ribbon for the death of democracy as well.