Wednesday 22 August 2007

New party logos

Following the announcement of the new United Future logo--variously described as "a striking representation of a macadamia nut in a c-clamp; the fat guy with a napkin who exploded in Monty Python's The Meaning of Life; a blocked pore; an amoeba spitting out an unpalatable particle; an iced christmas pudding; a man sitting on a skylight seen from below; the side of a bull's head; an infection of that dangly bit at the back of the throat; the miracle of birth; a man waving; a galleon with a very small sail; sunrise in the grand canyon; a slug playing volleyball with itself; Gerry Brownlee sitting in a beanbag; a couple of blobs"--Lyndon Hood, who supplied all those descriptions, has hacked into the parliamentary computers and discovered what logos many of the other party's are toying with, many of which seem a perfect fit with the directions in which many of those parties are heading...

See Scoop Satire: New Logos.

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