Wednesday, 23 May 2007

Falwell fallout continues

Falwell fallout continues, with this post from the Amused Muse outlining what happened when she told Richard Dawkins that Jerry Falwell had died. [Hat tip Pharyngula] And the cause of Falwell's death? Says the Muse: "He had an attack where his heart should have been.”


Sir Arthur Streeb-Greebling said...

"He had an attack where his heart should have been.”

Now *That's* a brilliant line.

Peter Cresswell said...

Sure is. I thought I should clarify that it's Kristine's brilliant line, not mine. Unfortunately.

Anonymous said...

Um, the guy died - or didn't you hear?

This post officially reduces you to the level of the extreme left.

Anonymous said...

Um, the guy died - or didn't you hear?

This post officially reduces you to the level of the extreme left."

Um the guy was a complete cunt whilst alive didn't you hear? So why do you expect any of the targets of his hate to mouth warm fuzzys for the scumbag?

Libertyscott said...

Falwell's death has me smiling, shows you how useless the NZ media is - I had no idea until today.

I recall a US bumper sticker from the 1980s "The Moral Majority is Neither".

Anonymous said...

I expect the libertarians to hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior than the left.

Apparently I was wrong.

Anonymous said...

"I expect the libertarians to hold themselves to a higher standard of behavior than the left.

Apparently I was wrong."

So if Hitler had died just recently you would be all sombre and po faced about that too would you? How is it anything but hypocrisy to tell the truth about Falwell and his life even when he's dead?

What's accomplished or gained by lying about this filthy nasty creature? Who is fooled?

Anonymous said...

Hey, no problem with reasoned explanations of what a fellow did wrong.

But abusing your dead opponent only makes you look bad. Of course, the fact that so many are on your side makes it ok.

"What's accomplished or gained by lying about this filthy nasty creature? Who is fooled?"

I in fact insist you tell the truth.