Friday 22 December 2006

Annan UN disgrace

Kofi Annan has now gone from the top UN job, a post he held for ten years. Does anyone know anything he's achieved in all that time.

Amongst the genocide, corruption and hand-wringing ineffectiveness of the world's biggest bureaucracy, can anyone list any one, single achievement of Annan's rule? Anything? Srebrenica, Rwanda, Bosnia, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Kosovo, Darfur ...
Isn't it true that genocide, corruption and hand-wringing ineffectiveness are simply endemic to the United Nations -- on whose board have sat some of the most corrupt dictatorships known to man, and whose actions often amount to little more than standing aside while aggressors kill people, while feeding the dictators and stopping any action against their aggression that could perhaps prove effective.

“To judge by what is happening in Darfur, our performance has not improved much since the disasters of Bosnia and Rwanda,” Annan said as he pissed off. He sure got that right.

"Is there blood on his hands?" asks the Sunday Times? There's blood all across the whole damned UN. Screw the whole corrupt, bloody organisation, I say.


Rebel Radius said...

If I recall correctly, Africa had Libya as the Human Rights representative for one year.

I wonder if Mugabe needs help, but maybe not. Annan is probably more corrupt!

May the bastard drown in his own caviaar.

Kane Bunce said...

Srebrenica, Rwanda, Bosnia, Zimbabwe, Haiti, Kosovo, Darfur ...

If I recall correctly, the UN was formed to stop this sort of dictatorship from arising. It seems to me they've failed miserably.

Screw the whole corrupt, bloody organisation, I say.

Screw screwing them (pun intended). They deserve much worse condemnation than that.

May the bastard drown in his own caviaar.

Indeed. Caviar payed for with stolen money.

Kane Bunce said...

Now if only this evil dictator would die the way Niyazov recently did.