And oddly enough, I found it when looking for George Reisman's Mises Lectures (which are also free).
Fill your boots up. There's loads more free stuff there too if you look from every possible field of endeavour, from Thomas Paine to Karl Marx to Shakespeare to Richard Feynman to Michael Dell to bridge-builder Robert Maillart to Tom Wolfe to Martin Luther King ...
Wow! This is a treasure trove!
LINKS: Anthem audiobook - Learn Out Loud
Free audio and video resources - Learn Out Loud
RELATED: Free Stuff, Books, Objectivism, Philosophy, Science, Art, Economics, History, Education
What a brilliant rsource--I just spent an hour browsing what's available.
Thanks for that.
You're very welcome. I'm just listening to Frederic Bastiat's classic 'The Law' as we speak.
I'd forgotten just how good it is.
Hmm, my ipod has only 60GB!!
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