Monday, 7 August 2006

Hottest on record?

Man it's hot in the Northern Hemisphere. Heatwaves all across Europe and the US. I bet you'd have no problem picking when the hottest summer on record in the US was, right?

Yes, that's right. 1930.

Seventy-six years ago. Long before the words "man-made," "global" and "warming" got glued together and began scaring Al Gore. In fact, just a decade before heavy industrialisation really kicked in and temperatures began their long decline to 1975. Story here.

And the hottest recorded days on the planet ever? When do you think they were?

Anybody saying either 1913 or 1922 gets a prize. July, 1913 in Death Valley, California, and September, 1922 in Aziziyah, Libya. Story here. Man, global warming back then sure was a dreadful thing.

LINKS: A bit of history for global warmers: Look at 1930 - CNSNews
Science question of the week - Goddard Space Flight Center
Hat tip:
Bidinotto Blog

Global Warming, Environment


leelion said...

interesting how the term 'global warming' became 'climate change'. i guess that covers all bases.

Berend de Boer said...

Just having a discussion with a collegue who believes the antarctic ice caps are melting. Quotes a BBC article as proof. Boy....

Owen McShane said...

Unfortunately, the Kyoto protocol and hence our government have accepted a definition of "climate change" which defines it as changes to the climate caused by human activity and especially by emissions of carbon dioxide from the burning of fosssil fuels.
This means that if you say you acknowledge that climate change happens you will be quoted as endorsing man made climate change and CO2 forced climate change in particular.
Nifty trick.

Berend de Boer said...

owen, if it isn't man made, there's little we can do, isn't it? Our minister for the environment firmly believes that men is wrecking the climate.

To which I can only respond: what's with the we, white man?