The global warming crusade is politics masquerading as "science". One indication of this bait and switch tactic is the argument, continually promoted by left-wing Greens, that a "consensus" of climate scientists supports this officially sanctioned thesis. Aside from the questionable truth of this claim (more on this below), consensus has nothing to do with the process of identifying evidence, facts, and the logical integrations that lead to new scientific breakthroughs. So scientists properly ought not to be concerned with consensus. Consensus is the obsession of politicians maneuvering to impose their will by force on other people.

So why has the war on malaria failed? Because governments banned the cure. Now they claim to wonder why people are sick and dying. DDT was discovered during World War II to be a great means of stopping infection from typhus and malaria. Its inventor, Paul Hermann Mueller, won the Nobel Prize in 1948. It was used throughout the 1950s and '60s and was on the verge of wiping out mosquito-borne diseases from the planet. Then something very peculiar came along. A book called Silent Spring by Rachel Carson was published in 1962, and it eventually created a fantastic backlash against progress. The spring was silent supposedly because of the lack of birds, all killed off by DDT. The only problem is that Carson's claims were never scientifically validated. Indeed, it was a hoax... Even so, governments acted.

LINKS: Politics masquerading as science, by Mark Humphreys - George Reisman's blog
The spring is silent on DDT, by Llewellyn Rockwell, Jr. - George Reisman's blog
The Toxicity of Environmentalism - George Reisman
TAGS: Environment, Science, Global Warming
Rachel was absolutely correct. reisman is a cock-sucking ignorant capitalist. Fuck progress. Im looking forward to the return of Tribalism and living in harmony with Mother Earth and her abundant gifts.
Anonymous said...
[Rachel was absolutely correct.]
And your evidence ? Show me a scientific study on this? Name the scientific journal, year of publication, authors name(s) where the evidence was presented or published?
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