So why thank the Lords? LibertyScott explains:
Meanwhile, the House of Lords is earning its keep defending these freedoms. First it defeated the ID card bill, by insisting that it be explicitly voluntary. Now it has referred the Racial and Religious Hatred Bill back to the House of Commons, after removing the element that would have prohibited “insulting or abusive” speech against religions, and inserting “intent” as a critical part of offences under the Bill. What the Bill intends to do is to prohibit the spreading of hatred against religions, with the emphasis being to target Muslims and Christians who incite holy war against each other. In fact, a coalition of comedians, Christians, Muslims, libertarians, humanists and other atheists have been opposing the Bill.So, good on the House of Lords. It almost makes one long for an intelligent Upper House in NZ with all-powerful rights of veto over whatever gets passed up the chain. (I can dream, can't I?)

Bye y'all, I'm off to have a Danish or two to celebrate the British victory and the Danish demonstration of its importance (and have you heard the rumour that whole storm in a burqa was a setup by Danish muslims to have press censorship introduced? Slimy bastards.)
Links: Insulting Religions is a right - LibertyScott
The Black Adder Strikes Again! - The Whig
...In Which The Whig Attempts to Spark a Major International Diplomatic Incident - The Whig
Jihad agaisnt Danish Newspaper - Brussels Journal
Take Note Cardiff: We Are All Danes Now - Brussels Journal
The House of Lords has been much more effective, mind, since Labour reformed it (aka the House of Lords Act 1999) in 1999. Dividing the powers of the Upper House further has also been a positive move, IMHO.
Cartoons of Mohammad with a bomb in his turban is about "Press Freedom" and should be celebrated...
Cartoons of hook-nosed money grabbing Jews is about "Anti-Semitism" and should be condemned....
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