Anyway, if any of you nice people reading this really, really did wish to club together to make my year (that would be lovely, wouldn't it?), I really wouldn't complain if one of these gems was to appear under my Christmas tree:
- Ken Burns's 'American Lives' DVD mega-set -- eight biographies of American originals, including Mark Twain, Thomas Jefferson and Frank Lloyd Wright (the last of which I reviewed some years ago when it came to Auckland).
- A USB beer cooler (pictured above). Every home and every office desk should have one. [Hat tip Real Beer]
- Front row seats for Parsifal in Wellington in March. (In fairness, lesser seats would also be gratefully received.)
- A boxed set of all Beethoven's Nine Symphonies, conducted by Arturo Toscanini, or the enture Solti Wagner Opera Collection, or the Complete 19966 Emma Peel Avengers Megaset! Rzzzzzzz!
- Anything -- anything at all! -- from my Amazon Wish List. Or even a book voucher from Time Out bookstore with as many zeroes as you can manage. Look, I'm really not at all fussy, honest...really...hey, where are you going...?. :-)
Yep. "Rzzzzz." You have a problem with 'Rzzzzz' dear boy? Clearly weasels have never ripped your flesh. ;^)
I refer of course to the classic Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention album cover, which you can see here: http://www.cduniverse.com/search/xx/music/pid/1011575/a/Weasels+Ripped+My+Flesh.htm
Oh crap, I missed a Frank Zappa reference live on the blogosphere for all to see. My meagre Zappa collection is currently in the hands of Paul from About Town.
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