Thursday 22 September 2005

Whose business?

One of the best things about NZ political journalism, about which there is generally little good to say, is that politicians' personal peccadilloes go generally unreported.

Maybe no longer. This thread on TradeMe speculates that tonight on Prime, Paul Holmes will be exposing a private moment of someone married to a politician. Is this what we want of our political journalism? Even if the gossip is true, is it really any of our business? [Hat tip Sir Humphrey's]


Berend de Boer said...

Well, if a lie has been presented as the truth and has been used to snooker people and present yourself as different than you really are, I think the public might want to know. Or do you want to restrict free speech?

Anonymous said...

There's no speculation about it .. Prime's been showing Peter Davis kiss a little old man on the lips as part of this particular trailer all week.

Is it our 'right' to know? Probably not. But regardless of it being right or wrong, when you're in the public eye that's just the way it is.

Personally I don't give a toss as to the PM's sexuality. (She'd leave me cold either way). But what I find irritating is her blatant hypocrisy. She's not being honest about it for political reasons. There's still a lot of older Kiwis who vote Labour because Dad idolised Mickey, who might vote otherwise if her sexual preference wasn't to their liking.

I despise hypocrisy.