Now he's here in New Zealand talking himself up, but apparently his ego has been insufficiently stroked by local luminaries so he's throwing hissy fits and threatening law suits--or so he just ranted to Linda Clark. The first suit would be against the Christchurch Press because they had the acumen to call him a hoaxster. That made poor Jonathan unhappy (cue violins) and also made him call his lawyers.
In a bid to show how locally 'connected' he is, he's also been quietly hinting that he's been "consulted" by a "major local party," but his bluff on that one has also been called. Every "major local party" has issued a "Nyet" to his claim, making him look even sillier than he already does, and the National Party went even further and also called him a hoaxster. To restore his fragile and damaged ego he has to sue them too.
What a sad little wanker. Perhaps he and Judith Tizard could contrive to get stuck in a lift together sometime.
[UPDATE 1: Russell Brown has some background on the whole ruckus in a PS at the foot of this post.]
[UPDATE 2: The Grauniad has the story of Pontell's similarly duplicitous shenanigans with Britain's Tory Party. [Hat tip IP at DPF's]
A Tory spokesman said: "CommunicateResearch came in to pitch for business, but they are not employed by us in any way. He came in with them for a chat and is certainly not giving us any advice."... Mr Pontell told the Guardian: "Yes, I have advised a political party here about targeting Generation Jones. I can't say which party it was." He had met officials and provided follow-up information on request.]
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