Another heroic exception to my, ahem,
rant about lawyers emerged yesterday. Brian Henry is
suing the Department of Corrections for $2 million on behalf of Susan Couch, only survivor of the Mt Wellington-Panmure RSA killings. Susan Couch (right) is a survivor in every important sense, but her life has been ruined by a piece of scum who was "out of jail on parole when the robbery happened and had more than 100 previous convictions." Couch and Henry -- and I would expect most of the rest of New Zealand -- hold the Corrections Department responsible for William Bell being out on the streets able to kill when he should have been behind bars. I hope she cleans up.
Last night on '
Close Up' when asked how she could afford to sue when she is clearly impecunious and unable to work as a result of
the beating she received, Couch turned to her lawyer who just smiled and said she has nothing to pay; that he was doing this for her without fee.
Mr Henry, you are a hero.
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