Thursday, 14 December 2023


"Duelling was primarily 'used' to settle matters of sexual impropriety and regulate gossip (professional and personal). It certainly worked better than HR. ...
    "Part of the norm was that ... things like an insult to a ... reputation ... would be settled by a duel ...
    "Another big one was professional gossip. In an age before regulation, what made you trust professionals was their personal reputations. ... Naturally this reputation had to be guarded... so they'd duel to defend it. ...
    "Our entire world of Human Resources, Business regulation, Disaster Inquiries, Review Boards, Civil Right Administrators, Product testers, minor lawsuits, family court, dispute resolution, Anti-Discrimination meetings.... all of it exists to regulate personal and professional interactions ... the Victorians, Georgians, and Caroleans before them maintained BETTER functioning institutions, families, and militaries, with none of it. Because they were personally and Socially committed to quality. ... [I]f you were compromising that quality or if you insulted it, they'd fucking kill you, or die trying.
    "Such a threat made regulation by bureaucracy not only unnecessary, but insulting."

~ Kulak, from her post 'The Purpose of Duelling: and the Bureaucratic Hell that Replaced it'

1 comment:

MarkT said...

It’s not all bad though, because today you have the opportunity to dual with the bureaucracy itself to claim honour, without risking your life, and if you do it right with much better odds of winning too. From one perspective it may seem like they have the upper hand, but once you understand their nature and learn not to be a victim of their weakness, you’ll win at least 99% of the time, which are much better odds than the duals of old.