Tuesday 12 September 2023

"Hydrogen is no more the wonder gas than CO2 is the opposite."

"Hydrogen is no more the wonder gas than CO2 is the opposite. Apart from being very expensive to produce using so-called ‘green’ methods, it’s running into various obstacles elsewhere, such as absence of infrastructure....
    "Europe’s time spent sleepwalking to the tune of hydrogen lobbyists – draining funds and political capital for far too long – appears to be coming to an end as leaders come face-to-face with physical realities....
    " The European Commission estimates that to produce, transport and consume 10 million tonnes of renewable hydrogen domestically, investment worth up to €471 billion will be necessary.
    "For the odourless gas to be climate-friendly, it must be produced through electrolysis using renewable electricity. To avoid electrolysers taking up all the green power in the grid and boosting demand for coal power, two-thirds of the €471 billion will have to be invested into additional renewables.
    "To meet the second half of the EU’s hydrogen targets – 10 million tonnes of imports – will require another estimated €500 billion.
    "That amounts to a €1 trillion dream to get the hydrogen economy from non-existent to infancy into 2030, and the spending certainly wouldn’t end there....

    "Finally, what will all that hydrogen be used for?
    "Once, lobbyists painted a rosy picture of an entire economy running on hydrogen. But hydrogen cars proved a non-starter while heating with hydrogen has thankfully been banished from people’s minds.... Politicians find the idea of hydrogen as a form of long-term energy storage tempting.... [Yet] Industry demand is projected to be far below the EU’s lofty targets....
    "After years of hydrogen hype, Brussels may just focus on electricity – the true fuel of the future."

~ Nikolaus J. Kurmayer, from his article 'Waking up from hydrogen daydreams' [hat tip Jim Rose and TallBloke's Talkshop]

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

All very nice but........ electricity (like hydrogen) is not and never has been fuel. It is an energy carrier (like hydrogen). It needs to be generated. The choices for generating electricity (or hydrogen) are
nat gas
nuclear fission

You can add solar and wind to those if you like, just be aware that the availabilities for those are tiny small and the actual lifespan of installed plant for those is modest indeed.

Western Europe has some coal but very little of anything else. This is why the future for Western Europe is de-industrialisation, economic depression, impecuniousness, perdition and irrelevance. The rest of the world does not need them and now some 80% of the World population is rushing for the exits. No currency lost more ground in global trade than the euro. The euro collapsed from 40% of global payments outside the euro-zone to just under 14% in only two years. The trend is accelerating. So far the bulk of the slack has been taken up by the USD (+ 40%) and the CNY/CNH (+ 60%).

The future is all about collateral. W/Europe has none. US has its military and the financial infrastructure which still enables the bulk of World trade. Meanwhile China has its vast productive and manufacturing capabilities. It also has mineral wealth. W/Europe has shame and that's about all.

The collapse of Western Europe, its economies, its culture, its productivity, its technology, its societies demonstrate the incompetence of EU "leadership" for all to see. Hydrogen is but a fairytale, joining all those other European idiocies from socialism through to climate change and on to European "values". The next stage they can look forward to will be the food shortages.

One other thing. Presently the Russian Federation is processing several million residence applications from German citizens who want to move. China has confirmed it is taking some 40,000 Germans, mostly technical experts or people with high end skills in engineering...

The future is.... not in Western Europe.