Wednesday 14 June 2023

"Deciphering NZ’s foreign policy is like attempting to map the Bermuda Triangle on a foggy morning in Invercargill"

"One might liken New Zealand’s international policy stance to a prolonged game of hide and seek. While we Kiwis are still diligently counting, the other nations have moved on. They’ve enjoyed a leisurely cup of tea, completed a second round and are now perusing the rule book for the next game.
    "And us? Well, we are still counting.
    "Yet, there’s no cause for alarm, because [Foreign Minister Andrew] Little just assured us we have selected our side. Our allegiance, we’re told, is with 'international law,' 'principles,' and 'values.' Hear, hear.
    "But does this clear things up? Because there is no country on earth saying it does not care for international law, principles and values. Unfortunately, those foreign values and principles might not be ours....
    "Truth be told, deciphering New Zealand’s foreign policy is like attempting to map the Bermuda Triangle on a foggy morning in Invercargill. Yes, it’s somewhere in there, but you’d need a state-of-the-art GPS, a military-grade compass, and an expert team of cartographers to make headway."

~ Oliver Hartwich, from his column 'Kiwi diplomacy as clear as mud'

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