Friday 15 May 2020

"The economy isn’t a big computer that we can program to work a certain way. It's a network of human relationships so complex that it’s constantly pushing & pulling against itself to improve our quality of life. In the last few months, we’ve seen that delicate balance utterly destroyed..." #QotD

"The economy isn’t a big computer that we can program to work a certain way. It just… doesn’t work like that. Instead, the economy -- locally and globally -- is a network of human relationships so complex that it’s constantly pushing and pulling against itself to respond to our needs and to improve our quality of life. Economics is really about people.
    "In the last few months, we’ve seen that delicate balance utterly destroyed..."

~ Sean W. Malone, from the latest episode of his online 'Out of Frame' video series: 'We Set the Economy on Fire: Now What?Hat tip Shaun Herring]

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