Thursday 5 March 2020

"'Neo-liberalism' is trotted out as some sort of satanic evil that needs no explanation for its wickedness. In fact, its meaning is simple. It refers to the new order of individual economic freedom that began in the 1980s after statism was finally dumped." #QotD

 "[The word] 'neo-liberalism' is trotted out as some sort of satanic evil that needs no explanation for its wickedness.
    "In fact, its meaning is simple. It refers to the new order of individual economic freedom that began in the 1980s after the disastrous statism was finally dumped and is better described as the [hampered] market economy. People making [more of] their own decisions rather than the left making them for them has produced an unprecedented global prosperity, but is enormously offensive to the we-know-best-what's-good-for-everyone mob. Enjoy their suffering. They deserve no less as they rail away in their bubble worlds to one another about the injustice of people enjoying life without their riding instructions."

        ~ Bob Jones, from his post 'Political Language Abuse'

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