Tuesday, 10 December 2019

"To force people to pay other people’s expenses through government taxes is a moral abomination. To justify the moral abomination through collectivist sloganeering—like 'paying back to society' or 'That is what a society does'—just adds a healthy dose of dishonesty to the moral abomination." #QotD

"There is no no society to 'pay back' to. Society doesn’t 'do' anything. 'Society' is an abstraction denoting a number of individuals. Only individuals think, learn, work, and trade. The premise behind catchphrases like 'paying back to society' is that some people must be forced to hand their money over to the state, so that some politically connected others can use the gun-backed machinery of government to legally force their values on unwilling individuals...
    "Collectivism is a great moral escape hatch. It serves as a semi-plausible justification for running roughshod over others. But there is no moral justification for forcing some individual members of society to pay the expenses of other members...
    "To force people to pay other people’s expenses through government taxes is a moral abomination. To justify the moral abomination through collectivist sloganeering—like 'paying back to society' or 'That is what a society does'—just adds a healthy dose of dishonesty to the moral abomination."

      ~ Mike LaFerrara, from his post 'There is No Society to 'Pay Back' To'

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