Friday, 20 December 2019

"If all the new Tory voters wanted was more from the state and more lecturing on how to live their lives, they would have voted for Labour. If you give people things and make them reliant upon the state then next time they will vote for those who will give them more things." Bonus #QotD

"To secure the new coalition of voters the Tories must be the party of opportunity, aspiration and entrepreneurship...
    "If all the new Tory voters wanted was more from the state and more lecturing on how to live their lives, they would have voted for Labour. These voters want a hand up, not a handout. If you give people things and make them reliant upon the state then next time they will vote for those who will give them more things."

~ Matthew Lesh from his post 'Boris Has Won the War -- Now He Must Win the Peace'

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