Wednesday 30 October 2019

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is a synopsis of the socialist critique of the market system, implying the perceived inevitability of what Marx called the Law of Increasing Poverty. It is also a myth unsupported by empirical evidence." #QotD

"The rich get richer and the poor get poorer is a synopsis of the socialist critique of the market system, implying the perceived inevitability of what Marx called the Law of Increasing Poverty. It is also a myth unsupported by empirical evidence."
          ~ Marian Tupy from the post 'Income Inequality: When Does It Matter?'


Blazer said...

it is supported by a plethora of evidence!A starter ='Grip of Death' by acclaimed author Michael Rowbotham.

Anne Tiffa said...

Evidence? What's that? Peter doesn't need evidence. He's got ideology.

In New Zealand since 2007, the pre-tax incomes of households at the bottom increased by $4000, on average. But at the same time, those at the top had an average $43,000 rise.

Another book to add to your reading list is "where are the customer's Yachts" and "The Great Unwinding" by George Packer.

Duncan Bayne said...

> In New Zealand since 2007, the pre-tax incomes of households at the bottom increased by $4000, on average. But at the same time, those at the top had an average $43,000 rise.

Hang on. That's evidence in favour of Peter's position. Everyone got richer; the poor most certainly did _not_ get poorer.

Dinwar said...

It's envy. They don't care if the poor get poorer, they see what other people have, stamp their feet, and scream "If I can't have it, they shouldn't!!!"

Note the focus on yachts. It's a focus on the frivolous, on toys. They ignore the fact that most "poor" in our country have access to air conditioning, to refrigerators, to cars, to computers--to devices that make objective improvements to their quality of life.

paul scott said...

Any person who supports AnitiFa is mentally deranged. You are mentally deranged Anne.

Blazer said...

'access to' what!.A rich country like NZ has people living in cars.The rentier society ,accelerated since the adoption of Friedman economics from the 80's on, has emphasised peonage as the fate of the average working stiff.
The nonsense peddled by the parasitical ,money creators is repugnant.