Tuesday 22 October 2019

"Elizabeth Warren’s 'accountable capitalism' would not empower stakeholders. It would strip the stakeholders of their power and transfer that power to the state." #QotD

"[Elizabeth] Warren’s 'accountable capitalism' would not empower stakeholders. It would strip the stakeholders of their power and transfer that power to the state. All these interests will be 'brought within the orbit of the State [and] coordinated and harmonised in the unity of the State.' That is what it means to have government gun its way into private corporation boardrooms, whether in the name of 'stakeholders' or 'divergent interests'...
    "What Warren actually proposes is a reprise of Mussolini’s Doctrine of Fascism, a form of guild socialism expanded to encompass 'all stakeholders' ... [putting] us on the way to 'a full-blown Corporative state'.”

~ Mike LaFerrara, from his post, 'Elizabeth Warren’s "Accountable Capitalism Act" Reprises Benito Mussolini'


paul scott said...

Warren is ugly.

Peter Cresswell said...

It's her ideas I'm concerned about. Focus on those.