Wednesday 3 July 2019

"Today that conformism is not imposed by any Big Brother-style regime of either the right or left. Indeed, when the state intervenes to suppress free speech for heretics, it is often at the behest of the illiberal liberals of the Twittermob. For Orwell’s ‘2-minute hate,’ we might substitute their 240-character bile-filled tweets." Bonus #QotD

"[Today's] liberal intelligentsia is exhibiting a particularly ‘Orwellian’ trait: uncritical political conformism, and an intolerance of alternative or heretical views. Today that conformism is not imposed by any Big Brother-style regime of either the right or left. Indeed, when the state intervenes to suppress free speech for heretics, it is often at the behest of the illiberal liberals of the Twittermob. For Orwell’s ‘two-minute hate,’ we might substitute their 240-character bile-filled tweets.
    "The future may not have turned out to look like ... ‘a boot stamping on a human face – forever.’ But the liberal Thought Police are nonetheless a powerful force in contemporary society, enforcing the conformist culture of ‘You can’t say that’ by using the less violent methods of language control that Orwell described..." 
~ Mick Hume, from his article on the 70th anniversary of Nineteen Eighty-Four: 'What is the real ‘Orwellian nightmare’ now?'

1 comment:

paul scott said...

It is to the credit on Peter Cresswell that he is a libertarian rather than holding the mind altering and progressive authoritarian attitude that is the Orwellian liberal process.