Tuesday 14 August 2018

4 common free-speech myths

“Words can never hurt me.”

“We must be tolerant of all opinions.”

“Facebook/YouTube/Not PC is censoring me!”

We hear claims like these all the time, but are they true?

Steve Simpson and Tara Smith discuss and debunk these and other common myths about free speech, providing clarity on what freedom of speech means, how to think about it, and how it should be defended.
Among other questions, they cover:
    What is free speech, why is it a right, and what is its value?
    What does “censorship” really mean?
    Is the right to free speech an absolute? If so, how can libel, threats, and fraud be illegal?
    Should we tolerate all views? If so, where do judgment and integrity come in?
Free speech is so immensely important that, to preserve it, we must understand what it actually means and how best to defend it. 
Watch this video to find out more about this important right, and to understand why the myths mentioned above are just that—myths:


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