Saturday, 17 February 2018

Quote of the day: "The gravest danger to the west ... "

"The gravest danger to the West has come not from hardworking Latino farmhands, [Indian students] or conscientious Chinese engineers, but from the import of postmodernist European intellectuals.
...."Offshore citizens have risked even death to escape tyranny. Individuals must be free to move, but governments are not instituted to secure the individual rights of citizens not their own.
...."Human beings have a conceptual and rational faculty that determines the content of their minds. Many read and absorb the ideas of the Enlightenment and move themselves to a mental state compatible with the values of Individualism; indeed, those who have done so despite their culture could well be stronger in their convictions than those born into such values. They also have raw negative emotion tied to a fear of, and memory of, a culture that alienated them.
...."The culture they bring with them is the content of their minds."

~ Vinay Kolhatkar, from his post 'The Case for Unbounded Immigration'

1 comment:

Will said...

How very Alt-Right of you PC.