Friday, 1 December 2017

Quote of the Day: On 'net neutrality'

"Progress requires inequality. If you don't give entrepreneurs the ability to become unequal--not just get rich themselves--but they have to make their customers unequal, they've got to give their customers commercial advantage or life advantage. That's what drives progress. If you take that out of the equation, if you say all traffic has to be treated equal, all customers have to be treated equal--first of all, capital investment in the network is going to go down. We've already seen some of that. But so is innovation. Why would you want to give that up?"
~ technology entrepreneur Bill Frezza, quoted in Robert Tracinski's article 'AT&T’s Cautionary Tale for Net Neutrality'


Unknown said...

This is a good example of why "capitalism" (if we can even still use that word) in the US is broken.

I agree completely that in a free economy, with no legislative barrier to entry, net neutrality is a nothing argument. It suits the customer very well if ISP's can tailor their product both in price and service to a target market. If I have a choice of suppliers, providing a choice of services, I win.

However, the US does not have such a market. Many Americans only have access to a single internet provider, or 2 at most. This, of course, is thanks to a government enforced monopoly. This is why america has some of the worst internet service provision in the developed world.

In this environment, giving operational freedom to a protected monopoly gives a perverse incentive to decrease service, upselling users to "premium" services to get what they always had on "standard" plans.

Much like Sky did here prior to Netflix an co.

If the companies want a free market, give them one. But they can't butter their toast on both sides.

8 ball pool all version said...

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