Saturday, 23 September 2017

Quote of the Day: On our real poverty

"Art. We're poorer in that regard than in anything economic.”~ Yaron Brook


powderburns said...

Scruton, a philosopher on aesthetics, expresses this issue quite poignantly: "Why Beauty Matters"

Dinwar said...

I disagree. Sure, mainstream "art" is crap, but there are plenty of non-mainstream artists that are sublime. I'm not saying mainstream is inherently bad--I'd love for singers like Heather Dale or Von Canto to be on the radio!--just that the mainstream panders to the lowest common denominator.

I would say it's easier to find true beauty today than ever before, but you have to look for it. Someone good at singing or acting doesn't need to be "discovered" to make it big these days; they just need to get a YouTube channel and get on Pandora.