Thursday, 31 March 2016

‘Icarus Landing, by Michael Newberry


Icarus Landing
, acrylic on linen, 55x36 inches.

It’s a bit late for Easter, but there you go: the artist just reposted it, so I can, saying:

Happy Easter!
Wouldn't it be great if we could be transformed while alive?
And evolve with plenty of time to share the wonder?
And to look towards Earth for our paradise?

Wouldn’t it just. And wouldn’t that transform lives.



Anonymous said...

I like the painting - it reminds me of a scene from Contact where Dr Harraway descends onto the fictional beach to meet her dad. Newberrys web site is nice to wander through - a lovely style.

Christian theology argues that Christians are transformed while alive. The astounding beauty and great wonders in the things around us is called the general revelation.


Blair said...

That's called Orthodox Christianity.