Thursday, 12 March 2015

Quote of the day: On life

"Life is motion. If the motion is not self-preserving, then it is self-destroying."

- philosopher Leonard Peikoff, from his book Objectivism: The Philosophy of Ayn Rand [hat tip On Liberty Street]



Chaz said...

The oddest definition of life in the history of philosophy (or science). Thanks for the laugh.

Peter Cresswell said...

@Chaz: Try as I might, I couldn't see the word "define" anywhere near that sentence of simple commentary. But perhaps your eyes are better than mine.

Ben said...

You didn't notice the word 'is' Peter?

Usage: Used in sentences for identification or definition of a subject.

Peter Cresswell said...

Life is a bowl of cherries.
Peter is a big boo-boo brain.
Chaz is a useless troll.
These are all definitions?
Ben is deluded.

Chaz said...

Well the bit about you being a big boo-boo brain is definitional. The rest are false, so no.