Wednesday 15 May 2013

Angelina Jolie’s breasts

Never has the disappearance of two breasts caused so much comment, so much of it so completely unhinged.

(Add together celebrity + breasts +cancer and I think you approach the formula for madness.)

Out of many, many candidates, I think this might be the most pathetic:


If true, I believe satirising that sort of ridiculous celebrity worship was part of the point (and, yes, there was one) of this song by late-lamented Australian band TISM. Enjoying this may perhaps be the most appropriate way to mark this inauspicious occasion:

1 comment:

Bernard Darnton said...

Cutting your breasts off was already quite fashionable. This can only fuel the craze of healthy women mutilating themselves.

This NYT article on the cancer awareness industry is worth a read: