Monday, 29 April 2013

Racial privilege, or one law for all?


The so called “constitutional conversation” initiated by the Racist Party in their coalition deal with Nation is less about discussing a constitution than it is about entrenching racial privilege the Treaty, right down to “implementation of [fraudulent] Treaty principles in the workplace.”

Canterbury University's David Round argues the point with the Racist Party’s Te Ururoa Flavell on Sunday’s Q+A:



Kiwiwit said...

Unfortunately, David Round does not present his side of the debate very effectively. In contrast, Te Ururoa Flavell presents himself as the reasonable side of the argument with statements like "let's not predetermine the outcome" and he even has the gall to quote the English Bill of Rights.

The only effective presentation of the anti-Treaty-Principles side of the argument I have read in recent days is the book you contributed to, Twisting the Treaty. Unfortunately, most New Zealanders won't read that book and I despair at how those of us who value individual freedom, property rights and equality before the law will ever get their argument across.

Anonymous said...

I would highly recommend all raeders study the scholarly book 'Waitangi, Morality and Reality', written by eminent Professor Kenneth Minogue,. It is published by the NZ Business Roundtable and is available free on its website. I concur with Kiwiwit that Round doesn't present his side super effectively.

Peter Cresswell said...

Yes, I think you're both right about David's approach here. Where David's warnings can sound shrill, Flavell makes himself sound reasonable.

the drunken watchman said...

i have noticed that the Maori are very good at that. Making themselves seem reasonable. Mind you, they are preaching to the choir an audience who prefer a calm utterance that 1 +1 = 3 to a drunk screaming that they = 2

see it all the time

Greig McGill said...

What scared the shit out of me was Flavell calmly writing off what he called "a minority view" in a debate about a constitution. If that doesn't show his complete failure to grasp any form of principle here, not much else can.

I feel sick.