Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Warmism jumps the shark [updated]

So what does it mean when the religion of global warming goes from insane to batshit insane?

Amy Peikoff reckons it means they’ve jumped the shark.

If an idea’s proponents grasping at ever more implausible straws is an indication of how badly that idea is faring in the court of public opinion, it seems that global warming alarmism is not doing so well. Set aside the predictable, feeble speculations about the existence or severity of Hurricane Irene being due to global warming. I have seen, in about one week’s time, three more examples of how desperate the global warming alarmists are becoming.

Read on, oh wise ones.

UPDATE: Here’s one warmist doing a Fonzie over carbon (dioxide) and water, the root of many a tasty beverage. [Courtesy of cartoonist Blunt]:


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