Wednesday 18 May 2011

QUOTE OF THE DAY: “The difference between rich and poor is more than it should be.”

“ I do believe that the difference between rich and poor … is more than it should be. ‘Should be’
by what standard? By the standard of the free market. In a free market the difference would be
reduced, not because the rich become poorer but because the poor would get richer.
I believe what hampers and distorts the distribution of wealth and salaries … is government.
    “Government policies damage the poor—particularly the ambitious poor, the entrepreneurial poor, the smart poor—much more than they damage the middle class or the wealthy.”
              - Yaron Brook, from the Q&A of his talk ‘In Defense of Finance’ [6:35]

In Defense of Finance (part 2 of 2). Dr. Brook ends by exposing the deepest source of hostility toward the financial industry: the widespread hatred of the profit motive.

1 comment:

wholesale wedding dresses said...

“I believe what hampers and distorts the distribution of wealth and salaries … is government.