Tuesday, 6 July 2010

Free(ish) trade for thee, but not for me

Yesterday Prime Minister John Key did two things. 

The first thing he did was to meet up with South Korean officials to promote a free trade deal with New Zealand—part of a two-week tour of Asia to promote free trade.

The second thing he did was to endorse a bid by government department Landcorp to buy the 16 Crafar farms—a bid that doesn’t begin to match the level of the bid already made by a Chinese organisation, but that is clearly designed nonetheless to work in harmony with another government department, the Overseas Investment Office, to derail it.

Quite how he squares those two things in his own mind, you’d probably have to ask him. But like Alice’s Red Queen, he obviously has no problem with thinking two contradictory things before breakfast.


StephenR said...

Key was mentioning the fact that one can't buy land in China - only lease it - this morning, so he may be seeing it through a 'reciprocity' lense?

Anonymous said...

Talking of contradictions, I wonder how many on the Right side of the aisle who dislike the 'yellow peril' say they support globalisation?

If Americans were bidding the mindset would be different, wouldn't it.