Tuesday 16 March 2010

‘Echo & Narcissus’ – J.W. Waterhouse


Come on, you all know the story of echo and Narcissus, don’t you?

    “Echo was a nymph. She was in love with Narcissus but he became so enamoured with his own reflection in a stream that he was fixated by the image, and Echo wasted away through unrequited love, all that remained was the 'echo' of her voice. To punish Narcissus he was transformed into a flower of the same name by the gods.”

You always knew where ‘narcissism’ came from, didn’t you. [Hat tip Paul Marshall.]

And I bet you know about Dali’s take on the same story.

1 comment:

Jeffrey Perren said...

Any dolt who prefers looking at himself when that is eagerly awaiting nearby deserves to suffer.