Thursday, 5 March 2009

Snowy Umbrella - Eisen Tomioka

Eisen Tomioka 1864-1905 snowy umbrella

Japanese print artists were masters of the empty spaces, and were never afraid of a dynamic asymmetry in their composition. [Taken from the excellent Japonisme blog. ]


Bevan said...

And sometimes the void can serve a purpose... although this print's subjects take center stage, the lengthened plane serves to provide the plot...all good porn comes with a decent storyline!

Anonymous said...

White space... when I designed adverts at a newspaper, suggesting that concept to a client was akin to saying "your mother gives great head". Nearly without exception: "I'm paying for a full colour ad, I want it filled! And can you make the text all bigger to fill it up even more?".

And asymmetry? I think they hated that concept even more than white space, the tasteless swine.

lotusgreen said...

we had a big fire in the hills around here, towards the end of the last century, and people took their insurance money and built their new houses clear up to the property line. no room for gardens.

ps thank you for the mention