Monday 10 March 2008

Hillary lies about ... Northern Ireland

Hillary Clinton She wasn't named after Ed Hillary, as she claimed when she visited Asia in 1996; she hasn't always been a NY Yankees fan, as she claimed when standing for the senate seat of New York  -- and in answer to her latest fatuous claim of self-important aggrandisement that reportedly helped her win in Ohio and Texas by playing up her foreign policy "experience" -- she played no direct role in bringing peace to Northern Ireland says Nobel Peace Prize winner and former First Minister of the province David Trimble.

"I helped to bring peace to Northern Ireland," she told CNN on Wednesday. But negotiators from the parties that helped broker the Good Friday Agreement in 1998 told The Daily Telegraph that her role was peripheral and that she played no part in the gruelling political talks over the years...  "I don’t know there was much she did apart from accompanying Bill [Clinton] going around," [said Trimble].

Story in the Telegraph [hat tip AB}.


Anonymous said...

There is another lie here:

"if Hillary Clinton did press for military intervention in Rwanda, her advocacy left no trace in the world. I have read quite a lot about the Rwandan genocide and the US reaction towards it, and Hillary Clinton's involvement comes as news to me"

You'll be an Obamaholic in no time at this rate.

Anonymous said...

Here is the choice that the people of the USA are going to be making.


Clinton (I did not sleep with that woman either)




Some other guy, whatsshisname

And that is the best they can hope for in the future. One of those three.

Reckon any good will come of it?