Monday 14 May 2007

"Globalization is Good"

Callum's spotted something on the tube that might be worth watching:
If you have Sky Digital or Satellite here in NZ, I suggest you watch the documentary Globalization is Good on the Documentary Channel (074) on Thursday, 9pm. It is hosted by none other than Johan Norberg, one of the world's leading advocates of Globalization.
Free Radical readers, who will have been enjoying the Free Rad's extended interview with Norberg (right), will want to take note.

UPDATE: Ask, and the internet provides. If you're too impatient to wait until Thursday, Google Video has an internet-quality copy of the documentary that argues "the anti-globalisation movement is ignorant, and dangerously wrong."
The world is an unequal and unjust place, in which some are born into wealth and some into hunger and misery. To explore why, in this controversial [2003] Channel Four documentary the young Swedish writer Johan Norberg takes the viewers on a journey to Taiwan, Vietnam, Kenya and Brussels to see the impact of globalisation, and the consequences of its absence. It makes the case that the problem in the world is not too much capitalism, globalisation and multinationals, but too little.


Anonymous said...

I downloaded and watched it a few weeks ago - its a great program, highly recommended.

Greg said...

Who's his portrait photographer?!