Sorry, I'm a little late with this week's 'wisdom' from the Bible. Perhaps you can use this Bible reading for your evening worship. Tonight, our reading is taken from the First Book of Timothy, from the 'more liberal' New Testament.
Let a woman learn in silence with full submission. I permit no woman to teach or to have authority over a man; she is to keep silent. 1 Timothy 2: 11-12

As the man said, the more people who read their Bibles -- I mean
really read their damn Bibles -- the more atheists we're likely to have.
[Image from Russell's Teapot.] And here's some related links from the Skeptic's Annotated Bible:
RELATED: Religion, Sexism
ha - it's like shooting fish in a barrel with godbags.
Take voluntary euthanasia - the Bible doesn't forbid suicide. It was a Catholic directive, intended to slow down their loss of martyrs ( check your history Catholic mamas).
Jesus himself voluntarily chose to have himself killed.
"I lay down my life. No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord." (John 10:17-18)
Jesus wanted to die.Jesus was given the opportunity to choose life but instead he preferred death. He freely choose to do what he knew would condemn him to death and he willingly accepted it. Even when he was on the cross, when people taunted him to save himself, he chose death.
Cristianity is based on voluntary euthanasia. Now you know why I admire Jesus - he was a radical non-conformist. If he was to come bak today he would be killed by 'Christians'.
Anyone have any opinions on Deism?
Okay, so far we have established that Christians "always listen very carefully to their opponents", unless they:
A) Question Christianity.
B) Are Female.
Any other exceptions?
eric, I don't see the connection. This Bible reading of pc is very useful. There are lots of people who try to twist the Bible in saying something it doesn't say.
If someone like pc reads the Bible, it gives a good indication how someone reads the plain text. And Paul is pretty clear on this subject.
I wish all Christians would be prepared to read the text as pc does.
Of course, the implication that women are somehow deprived of some right or that it is somehow degrading is entirely pc's. It is simply neither. There are two sexes, and each have different roles to play.
It is actually Karl Marx that wanted to abolish the sexes. And isn't it interesting that libertarianz often side with Karl Marx?
...or you can take the Barthian view, as I do, that the Apostle Paul simply represents one Christian's opinion, and that he was talking out his arse.
I don't think more Christians would be atheists if they really read the Bible, but they certainly wouldn't be evangelicals. Which is of course, ironic.
Berend, how is wanting equal rights for both genders wanting to abolish the sexes? I would of thought it was nothing of the type.
The words "authority" and "teach" are used elsewhere in the Bible to refer to the priesthood, so part of what the passage means is that no woman can be a priest.
Is anybody really surprised by this?
It is actually Karl Marx that wanted to abolish the sexes. And isn't it interesting that libertarianz often side with Karl Marx?"
Oh please put up your "evidence" for that claim Berend! What have you got...that Marx liked peanut butter and as Libz may well do too that's damming???!
kane bunce, I mean abolish any distinction between sexes, i.e. there's no difference in roles/tasks/responsibility between the two.
And why should there be, Berend? Different biology does not explain such sexism.
The results of women having authority over men is perfectly apparent in Western society. Since they got the vote the size of government increased massively. On today's Hannity & Comes, Ann Coulter points out that before the Federal Government granted women the right to vote, some states had already done so. The size of government spending in those states immediately increased hugely.
Why would a libertarian side with the feminist destroyers of Western civilisation who believe women need to vote for their self-interests in opposition to mens'? It's clear only men can be trusted to vote on behalf of others; women can not. The Bible understood this two thousand years ago. If you still don't, I recommend Vox Day's - a Libertarian - thoughts on the subject - unless you'd rather listen to a woman!
You know, I'll often say humorously that men were wrong to give women the vote ... but I don't think this last (anonymous) commenter is joking.
"Why would a libertarian side with the feminist destroyers of Western civilisation...?"
"It's clear only men can be trusted to vote on behalf of others..."
The commenter is proof of Bill Weddell's observation of the chief flaw of democracy -- that it is nothing more than the counting of heads regardless of content -- but not in the way the commenter thinks.
P.C is putting his personal religion up here...not Libertarianism so don’t go equating P.Cs religion with Libertarianism, nor Libertarianism with Marx!
Libertarianism is not the property of atheism!
And of course an Objectivist who thinks Sodomy is a legitimate practice, rather than a perversion and that two men can get married... would have a problem with Christianity and the bible which makes real distinctions between the sexes!
The Bible is heterosexual, and Pro Marriage and Family! (Which is natural, and not a crime, or a violation of rights!)
P.C is yet again just 'getting himself off' by Blasphemy!
These 'P.C on religion’ are Guile filled posts of a twisted God hater, pretending to be a champion of Reason, freedom, and justice!
But the reality is he is a religious fanatic himself!
Why do I bother to argue with someone so one eyed? ...because I will defend the Bible on my watch!
Tim Wikiriwhi
And yet again, the irony is that when P.C actually points out how corrupt much of what *is claimed* to be Christian, I am 100% supportive of him and would wish people would pay attention to this legitimate critsism and correct themselves accordingly!
This post on Woman seakers and leaders missed the mark and was just a cheap shot, so I voice my objection, but infact what made me join the Libertarianz Party was hearing Lindsay Perigo ripping into the Christians for being Socialist Satist's!
I was completely stunned by the truth this Gay atheist was saying!
I wanted to cheer for him!
Being a Non-conformist,churchless wanderer, I found the Libertaian Party was "The Caravan" in which to pilgrimage!
Now I consider being a Libertarian an essential component of my Christianity.
Thus I hang out with P.C and co.
It also shows the value of freespeech and keeping an open ear even/especially to your critics! Had I let Perigo's savage atheism get in the way of joining the Libz...I would have lost a massive part of who I am today!
So many Christians reject Libertarianism because of many of the irreligious claims that have been made by Vocal objectivist's like P.C.
So P.C dont be like those silly christians who perjudge your next saying by your 'delight in blastphemy', and so block their ears to everything you yourself a favour, and consider what I say from the proposition that God is there!
This may help you to see what I am trying to say!
And Dialouge is good.
Reason ought to either move you, or make you stand firmer in your convictions.
And disagreement can be good too!
When I sign off at night, I am usually more sure of my beliefs, after having contemplated for hours what P.C and others hove proposed. My mind begins to work on new problems and descovers new corollaries and concepts.
P.C will no doubt say the same thing!
P.S Sorry My spell check is broke!
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