First, we got a sneak preview of the forthcoming fourth IPCC report, from which all policy is taken, concludes that "Mankind has had less effect on global warming than previously supposed," and further revises possible sea-level rise projections down by half, down to 17 inches by 2100 -- not 20 feet, Mr Gore!

Now? Alas, Sir Nick, your fifteen minutes is up. If Sir Nick was a "rock star" riding high in the charts in October, now December is here he's looking more like this year's Milli Vannilli: he's quietly leaving The Treasury without even a Lordship to his name after friends said that he was" frozen out" of Gordon Brown’s inner circle. Notes The Sydney Morning Herald,
The news came a day after Mr Brown made a pre-budget statement that embraced virtually none of the recommendations of the Stern report, and dashed hopes the Blair Government would move swiftly to a new environmental agenda..

LINKS: A downgrade in what we're doing to Gaia - Not PC
Rock star of climate change frozen out - Sydney Morning Herald
Climate change author quits Treasury after Brown freezes him out - Times
Britain's Stern Review on global warming: It could be environmentalism's swan song - George Reisman
South Park/global warming - You Tube
Stern green taxes - Not PC (Oct, 2006)
The Stern Report: selective modelling?- Tim Worstall
Global warming: A godsend for politicians - Not PC (Nov, 2006)
RELATED: Global Warming, Politics-UK, Politics-World
1 comment:
There is a good YouTube video here by some climate scientists.
The comment by one scientist is absolutely correct. To do a satisfactory simulations run, the computer model needs about 5 millions different variables for a run that perhaps will dwarf the clusters of super-computers that Google are using for high speed number-crunching searches. At this stage, those variables (primary & secondary) are not yet inclusive in todays models.
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