Monday, 5 June 2006

The 7 deadly sins of home renovations

According to Market Watch magazine, these are the top seven things not to do when remodelling the American home for investment (the same 'sins' mostly apply to the NZ home-owner considering renovations for profit). Here's the summary:
  1. Don't over-expand or over-capitalise.
  2. Don''t make you home into something it isn't.
  3. Don't change a room's function
  4. Don't DIY
  5. Add a large contingency amount to your budget
  6. Don't renovate what brings no return
  7. Don't forget maintenance.
You'll notice that an architect or home-owner remodelling for fun rather than profit might have a somewhat different list. Full list with reasoning here.

LINK: Seven deadly sins fo home remodelling - Market Watch magazine

TAGS: Building


Captain Calculus said...

hey-- just a side note that you missed: the Emire State Building was 75 years old this week.

Peter Cresswell said...

Au contraire, mon ami. :-)