Thursday, 9 March 2006

Rugby, Physics, Philosophy & Beer - update

This Saturday. That's the answer to those of you who expressed interest in hooking up in Auckland to listen to and debate a provocative series of taped lectures on the philosophic corruption of physics and who wanted to know when we're starting. The answer is: This Saturday. As I mentioned when I first suggested this, "we plan to integrate BBQ, beer-drinking, physics and rugby":
What could be better, eh? Schrodinger's Fridge Cat? Strange particles? The interconnectedness of everything? Beer! In a series of taped lectures, informal discussions, and fully loaded BBQs we'll peel back the philosophical base behind modern physics, and examine why and how it became corrupted -- and no prior knowledge of either physics or philosophy is needed. Knowledge of beer and how to open it might however prove useful.
Wine might prove an acceptable substitute. We'll start at 5pm. More details and the rest of the evening's programme can be found at my earlier post. Email me at organon at ihug dot co dot nz for the address of the Drinking Room.

LINKS: The Philosophic Corruption of Physics - David Harriman - Ayn Rand Bookstore
Rugby, Physics, Philosophy & Beer - Not PC
Quantum Aristotle - Peter Cresswell

TAGS: Science, Philosophy, Objectivism, Beer & Elsewhere, Events

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