Monday, 29 August 2005

Brash talks "review" not abolition

This news item could have been written this morning:

Brash calls for "review" (a "look at", not abolition) of the five Maori Government agencies. In response, Jeanette Fitzsimons has called him a Maori-basher, and Hone Harawira has called him a racist and his policies similar to those of Hitler and Australia's Pauline Hanson.

By contrast, the Libertarianz have called him (or should have by now) too damn soft. And he is. Don't "look at," don't "review": Abolish. If he's serious that there should be one law for all, then they really have to go. If he's not, then why has he brought it up at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Yes, these minorities are just getting too much wealth from us! And they don't even say, "thank you."