Thursday 21 April 2005

What's a woman to do?

‘'Big ups'’ as they say to the Auckland kick-boxer who pummelled a burglar last night found rummaging around his lounge after midnight. Well done, sir!

But what would you and I do when confronted with someone rummaging through our lounge uninvited? Or someone threatening violence against us or our family? What for instance could a women do, or a scrawny bloke, out alone after dark and set upon by thugs?

Despite police pronouncements at repeated arms inquiries that the thing to do when confronted with criminals is to ring the police, I think even George Hawkins now realises that the police are too busy to answer emergency calls when somebody is being set upon: too busy surfing for porn, collecting revenue or sorting out unassigned files. And we know that the 111 call system is a joke even if our victim could get to the phone.

So what can our victim do if she'’s set upon? She may be a kick-boxer who can do over a burglar with her bare hands, but if not there’s nothing she can do but allow herself to be done over, or to hope for a kick-boxer to stroll past.

Our Nanny Government bans women from carrying a gun to defend themselves or their families - bizarrely enough it even bans them carrying mace, tasers, or pepper spray - and it is still trying to enact gun control legislation to remove guns from the law-abiding citizens. Non-law-abiding citizens just can't wait!

So what’s a woman to do, then? Well, if she's Helen Clark or Rosie O'Donnell then she can have men with guns protect her, but if not you'll have to ask these guys about making a submission on the Firearms Bill– so you can too, and you might consider letting Ann Coulter help you with what to say.


Anonymous said...

Something possibly worth noting on the fire arms issue. Apparently (unconfirmed) the penalty for wearing a flack jacket in public is more severe than for carrying a fire arm. I can only assume that this is because Nanny would have a harder time shooting you.

Anonymous said...

I agree that gun laws suck. But in a panic situation your gun is usually used against you. I was bothered by a prowler a while ago and an alarm system is as good as a gun. These people are way hyped up and if you trip the alarm it scares the bejus out of them and they run off. I agree gun control laws need reform though.

Anonymous said...

Sorry to hijack your blog comments for this purpose, but this is actually a question for Ruth: Ruth, as of yesterday, I can't access your blog any more. I get a 403 Forbidden message. Have I been banned? Or is there some other problem. Sorry, I'd have emailed you, but since I can't get to your site, I can't find your email address.

Apologies PC for the interruption in service.

Duncan Bayne said...


I suggest you have a read of Gun Facts - it addresses a bunch of myths about guns. In particular:

Myth: You are more likely to be injured or killed using a gun for self-defense

Fact: You are far more likely to survive a violent assault if you defend yourself with a gun. In episodes where there was an injury to a robbery victim, the injury/defense rates were:

Resisting with a gun 6%
Did nothing at all 25%
Resisted with a knife 40%
Non-violent resistance 45%

You might also want to read my article Fireamrs and Self-Defense. In particular, these statistics on armed defense against rape:

"Second, raw data from the 1979-1985 installments of the Justice Department's annual National Crime Victim Survey show that when a woman resists a stranger rape with a gun, the probability of completion was 0.1 percent and of victim injury 0.0 percent, compared to 31 percent and 40 percent, respectively, for all stranger rapes (Kleck, Social Problems, 1990)."

I'm not knocking personal alarms; I've considered getting one myself, to add to my everyday carry which includes a neck knife (in a sheath hanging under my shirt from a cord around my neck), and a kubotan baton on a braided cord in my right pocket.

My point is that there is no 'silver bullet' which will dissuade all attackers. Indeed, some attackers can't be dissuaded at all; I submit that a personal alarm would have little effect on a mentally disturbed rapist suffering from stimulant psychosis.

In that situation, you need a weapon with which to defend yourself, and the training to be able to use it under stress.

Sadly, in New Zealand, a handgun isn't an option for civilian carry. Which is a shame, especially for women, who usually carry a significant size and strength penalty compared with men who statistically will be their attackers.

One last suggestion; have a look at Second Amendment Sisters, an American website run by female supporters of the right to keep & bear arms.

Span said...

BB - i can't get in to Ruth's blog either... i wonder if she has taken it down?

Peter Cresswell said...

Yes, she has taken it down I'm afraid. Had enough of all the arsehats. :-(

She may be back, she says. Let us hope so. Please feel free to post here letting her know how much you do want her back - that is, as long you're not an arsehat. :-)

Duncan Bayne said...


I never got a chance to read your blog - but please don't give up blogging on account of the arse-hats. The fact that you're attracting them, means you're getting to them!