Monday 4 December 2006

Another iron law of prohibition

Here's another 'iron law' of prohibition: you can pass all the laws you want enforcing prohibition, but no law on earth can make prohibition work.

You want some proof? Here's a sample from the Sunday Star Times, from an interview with a prisoner:
Prison's where you go to get drugs. It's incredible, I've never had drugs in my life. I had the opportunity to experience every type if I'd have wanted.
The point is that talk about drug laws should start at the point of what's possible. If you can't even ban drugs from prisons, then how on earth do you think you can ban them from a free society?

NB. Phil's comment below is exactly right: "If it is impossible to ban drugs, then the question becomes: should we have a legal, transparent, accountable market for drugs, or an illegal, secretive, unaccountable one?"

Your call.

RELATED: Victimless Crimes


  1. If it is impossible to ban drugs, then the question becomes: should we have a legal, transparent, accountable market for drugs, or an illegal, secretive, unaccountable one?

  2. You can get drugs in prison but the government will not allow anyone to smoke a cigarette outside certain parks and buildings.

    The question is, are cigarettes permitted to be smoked inside a prison? If so, then the prisoner has more rights than that of traveller at Auckland international airport.

  3. It is confirmed. Prisoners do have more rights than the citizens of New Zealand.

    Prison buildings and vehicles are smoke free.

    link to source

  4. Of course it doesn't work! People are prone to poison themselves and no law can stop that. People always have and always will do so. It's called irrationalisation.

  5. Agree with Phil here. I had a good friend who was an orthopaedic surgeon. And who had been addicted to morphine for years.
    Not a huge problem, since the stuff he used was pure and his supply was assured.
    It certainly didn't affect his work performance and he died in a light aeroplane crash, not in the gutter.
    I'd much rather see controlled-quality drugs available on prescription and an intense public education campaign along with that.
    (Note I said "education", not the stupid propaganda that passes for information at present.)

  6. Are cigarettes considered drugs?

  7. Of course it makes sense to legalise drugs. It is just so weird to legalise drugs whilst people are banned from smoking cigarettes, be it in designated area's away from those who choose to be separated from those who do.

    As liberties are removed, the set of rules compound into eventual irrationality.

  8. Rebel, I agree with all of your comments. Despite being a non-smoker (and avidly so) I was annoyed when they passed the law to stop smoking in certain places. Just like despite being against people taking drugs I hate the prohibition. While I hate the idea of taking certain things do to the irrationality of doing so I support the right of people to choose to use them.

  9. Since cigarettes were mentioned in the comments section, did you see the latest MoH nonsense on last night's TV (One?) news, PC?

    This weedy little Health Dept Nazi-spokesman (sorry 'person') was 'horrified' that cigarette purchases were 'allowed' to go toward attaining FlyBuys and other loyalty scheme rewards.

    It was encouraging consumers to smoke, he said, and this was contrary to some damned Health Act.

    Obsequious little fuck. Give me 5 minutes with him and I can proudly guarantee that he'd have a bloody site more to be horrified about!

  10. sus, give the little nazi one from me while you're about it, eh?
    thanks. :-)

  11. Give him one for me too! Shame he can't be taught that we have rights.


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